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Pesky temper grows up due to delay in marriage
Friday July 15, 2016 6:21 PM, Shakeel Ahmad,

[Image for representation purpose only.]

It can be said that her life consists of one tragedy and ten thousand comedies. By one tragedy I mean to indicate of one valid rending moral tragedy--the failure of her marriage. This deferral has a deep impact on her young mind. This awful experience for a poor lanky young woman like Baali is a disturbing factor indeed. She has developed a pesky temperament due to this factor. She shows annoyance in her talk as her frustration comes in the way.

Obviously there may be various reasons for this delay. What we perceive in general is that economic criterion rises as main hurdle behind delay in this ritual. Luckily enough she is not so poor as to bear the basic cost of simple wedding.

However, her condition is not financially pathetic. It is clear with this fact that she is running a small shop at her house. She along with her aged mother manages the affairs of the sale. Moreover, this problem appears to have been much resolved by her involvement as maid-servant in about half-a-dozen houses existing at the vicinity of her house. It is an easier adjustment by her.

She is uneducated but not a foolish young woman. She possesses a sharp mind which scans the harsh realities of life in accordance with her necessities. Surely she is unhappy over delay in her marriage but not pessimistic of this ritual in her life.

She says vehemently, “she has ever been pessimistic as it indicates of a blocked mental state” adding that if I sit idle, I may face so many troubles in life. Therefore, it is far better for me to work for good.

Shaking her head further she appends, “I know what I am. None will come for may help. I have to find out my ways in order to live in a modest style. There is nothing wrong in it. I feel satisfied with whatever I gain.”

Though I had to face some bad experiences, I try to not to take it gravely and attempt to focus upon my work which is certainly a menial job, she maintains. Stung by the scathing remarks at her casual handling of the task, a housewife ticked her off to pay full attention in work.

“Nevertheless her persisting irritation obstructs concentration. It has been really a bitter time”, she upholds.

Delay in marriage of course produces bad impact on a young woman’s mind owing to physiological reason, as sociologists point out. It is on account of this very cause the marriages of girls are arranged at a suitable age in our traditional society.


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