New Delhi: The Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) has announced online the First Round Seat Allotment of the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Mains exam today i.e Thursday June 30, 2016 on its official website.
Candidates can access the JEE Mains First Round Seat Allotment on the official website of the JoSAA,
JoSAA will conduct four rounds that is 1st through 4th rounds of seat allocation for academic programs offered by Institutes under JoSAA 2016.
If in a subsequent round, a candidate’s allotment from NIT+ system changes to an IIT/ ISM, the candidate MUST report ONCE AGAIN at an IIT reporting centre, similarly if a candidate’s allotment from IIT/ISM changes to an NIT+ system, the candidate MUST report ONCE AGAIN at any NIT+ reporting centre, failure to do so will result in forfeiture of seats allocated in both NIT+ system and IIT/ISM.
According to the official website, if the candidate is offered a seat, he or she is required to download the Seat Allotment Letter which is available on the website itself.
Candidates should note that the First Round reporting for Seat Acceptance will begin from tomorrow, July 1, and will end on July 5, 2016.
It is also announced that all candidates who have appeared in JEE (Main) 2016 are eligible to register for seat allocation in NIT+ system (except IITs & ISM), and all candidates who have declared qualified in JEE (Adv) 2016 are eligible to register for seat allocation in all participating Institutes.
The mock seat allocation was earlier declared by the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) on June 27 and as per the schedule and it was announced that the JEE Main allotment along with seat allotment result for JEE Advanced candidates will be rolled out on June 30.
The Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) 2016 has been set up by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) to manage and regulate the joint seat allocation for admissions to 92 institutes for the academic year 2016-17.
This includes 22 IITs, ISM, 31 NITs, 20 IIITs and 18 Other-Government Funded Technical Institutes (Other-GFTIs). Admission to all the academic programs offered by these Institutes will be made through a single platform.