Mumbai: For the relief of over 3.5 lakh candidates who appeared for the State Bank of India (SBI) JA/JAA Clerk Mains 2016 Examination, the results have been declared online. Interested candidates can log in to the SBI official website or follow the link given below and check their results.
The SBI would soon publish the marks of the qualified candidates.
The SBI has published A/JAA Clerk Mains 2016 final result in three separate PDFs – one for Junior Associates (JA - Regular & backlog vacancies), second for Junior Agricultural Associates (JAA) and third for Junior Associates (JA - Special recruitment drive for Meghalaya/Ladakh.Kashmir Valley).
The results can be accessed at the careers page of
A total of 13,950 candidates have been provisionally selected Junior Associates (Customer Support & Sales); 1,428 for JAA posts and 157 for Junior Associates posts (Special recruitment drive for Meghalaya/Ladakh/Kashmir Valley).
As per the schedule, the SBI clerk mains result was likely to be declared on August 16, 2016 along with cut off marks and score card. It was later delayed to be declared before September 30 and then to October 15.
The result declaration was however delayed for indefinite period. Candidates became impatient becuase there was no word from the SBI when actually the reults will be declared.
Following the first delay, the SBI released just one statement saying that the results are under process and they will be declared soon. Sources however said results are delayed due to internal issues on selection process.
"The result of the examination for Recruitment of Junior Associates and Junior Agricultural Associates in Clerical Cadre in SBI, conducted on 25.06.2016 and 26.06.2016, is under process and will be declared on finalisation. We request all the candidates who had appeared in the above examination to kindly bear with us", the Manager, Central Recruitment & Promotion Department Corporate Centre, SBI said in the statement posted on the website.
The SBI declared on September 30, 2016, the PO Final results as per the announced schedule.
The results are now online and candidates can access their scorecard and take printonouts by logging in to the official website:
Candidates can follow the steps given below to check SBI Clerk Mains Results 2016, when declared:
- Log on to the official website:
- Click on the ‘Career’ section on the homepage or directly
- Click on JA & JAA in ‘Clerical Cadre Mains Results’.
- Enter registration number and date of birth.
- SBI JA & JAA Clerk mains exam results 2016 will appear on screen.
- Take the printouts
Shortlisted candidates securing higher rank in the merit list of the Mains Examination will be called for Personal Interview.
Candidates for the Interview will be shortlisted in the ratio maximum 3 candidates for each vacancy. The SBI will release the Call Letter for Interview after the declaration of the SBI Clerk 2016 Mains Result.
Final Selection will be made on the basis of candidate’s performance in the Mains Examination and Interview.
More than 3.5 lakh aspirants had qualified the prelims and had appeared for the SBI Clerk Mains Examination 2016 conducted across various centers of India for filling around 13,700 posts including 10,726 posts for Junior Associate (JA) and 3,008 posts for Junior Agricultural Associate (JAA).
SBI is the largest banking and financial services organization in India with an asset base of over Rs. 20,00,000 Crores with over 16,000 branches covering entire geography of India.