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SSC CGL 2016 Revised Examination to be held on August 27
Saturday July 2, 2016 1:32 AM, News Network

New Delhi: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Government of India Friday released the Revised Scheme of Examination for Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Examination 2016 on its official website.

According to the latest announcement published on the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) website, the Combined Graduate Levele Examination 2016 Tier - I will be held on August 27, 2016.

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will conduct the Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Examination 2016 be held Computer as well as Pen and Paper based.

"It has been decided to conduct the Tier-I and Tier-II in computer based examination modein place of OMR based examination mode.Tier-I is scheduled to be held from 27th August, 2016", Under Secretray, Staff Selection Commission (SSC), said in a statement released Friday.

"In addition to above, the Commission has also decided to introduce a Descriptive Paper of English/Hindi as Tier-III. The Question Paper will be bilingual.The candidates will have the option to choose any one medium", the Under Secretary added.

The SSC Combined Graduate Levele (CGL) Computer based Examination 2016 will be of total 200 marks whereas the SSC Combined Graduate Levele (CGL) Pen and Paper based Examination will be of 100 marks.

The Computer based Tier-I exam will be have a duration of 75 minutes and will consist of General Intelligence & Reasoning (25 questions), General Awareness (25 questions), Quantitative Aptitude (25 questions) and English Comprehension (25 questions).

The Pen and Paper based SSC CGL 2016 exam will have a duration of 60 minutes. It will be Descriptive Paper in English/Hindi (writing of Essay/Precis/Letter/Application Writing etc.

"The final merit will be prepared on overall performance in Tier-I, Tier-II and Tier-III.However, the candidate will need to qualify all the tiers i.e.Tier-I, Tier-II and Tier-IIIseparately.There will be no sectional cut-off", the SSC CGL statement said.

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