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Woman teacher leaves home, kids to join ULFA

Friday February 24, 2012 07:27:30 PM, IANS

Guwahati: Police in Assam's Dibrugarh district are on the lookout for a woman school teacher, who has reportedly left her home to join the anti-talk faction of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA).

Jahnabi Mahanta Rajknowar is a teacher with a government school in Naharkatia area and is also known on the state's literary circuit as a short story writer.

Police said that Rajknowar - a mother of two - had not returned home since Feb 13. She was teaching at the Naharkatia Government Girls' School.

"Her husband later discovered a letter written by her saying that she is leaving home to join the outfit," said a senior police official in Dibrugarh.

"In the letter, which was handed over to police, Rajknowar wrote that her decision of joining the outfit was neither sudden nor an emotional decision but a well thought out plan," said the police official, quoting from the letter.

"The teacher had also mentioned in the letter that the family members are not involved in her decision of joining the outfit," said the official.

Meanwhile, the security adviser to the Assam chief minister and former state police chief G.M. Srivastav claimed that Rajknowar has "an affair" with Abhijit Asom alias Dr. Abhijit Barman, the newly-appointed chairman of the anti-talk faction of ULFA.

The outfit Friday slammed Srivastav's statement, terming it a conspiracy to tarnish the image of the outfit's chairman.

"Jahnabi Mahanta or any other individual has the right to join the outfit if he or she is convinced with the aim and objective of the ULFA," said Asom in a statement sent to media.










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