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Geneva talks call for transitional government in Syria

Sunday July 01, 2012 11:06:49 AM, RIA Novosti

Geneva: The participants in the Geneva talks support creation of a transitional government in Syria in which all forces participate, UN and Arab League special envoy Kofi Annan said.

The transitional government should include members of the current government, the opposition and other groups, Annan said.

The actual make-up of the transitional government will depend on the Syrian people.

"We are determined to work together urgently and intensively, to bring an end to the violence and the human rights abuses and the launch of a Syrian-led political process leading to a transition that meets the legit aspiration of the Syrian people," Annan said.

The new government must be formed on the basis of rule of law, he said.

The proposal is aimed at providing a path forward that would be supported by all Syrians and leading to a genuinely democratic and pluralistic state with free elections, respect for human rights and equal opportunity for all, Annan said.

The bloodshed must end and work toward settling the conflict must continue, he said.

In addition, the participants in the talks endorsed formation of a permanent working group, he said.



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