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The mathematics of India's presidential poll

Thursday June 14, 2012 08:09:56 PM, IANS

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India's electoral college that will vote for a new president July 19 is made up of 4,896 members - 776 members of parliament and 4,120 members of the state assemblies. Between them they have 10,97,012 votes and the winning candidate needs at least 50 percent of these.

How do numbers stack up?

* The ruling United Progressive Alliance, in its present form, has 450,555 votes or 41.07 percent of the total. Of this, the Congress alone has 331,855 votes, or 30.3 percent of the total.

* The allies - among them the Trinamool Congress and the DMK - have 11.04 percent of the vote.

* The Samajwadi Party, which supports the government from outside, has 6.34 percent of the vote.

* The Trinamool Congress has 4.40 percent of the vote.

* If the Trinamool and the Samajwadi Party vote with the government, this will give it 47.41 percent of the ballots - a shortfall of a mere 2.59 percent.

* Should these two parties not vote with the government, it will be short by 13.33 percent.

* The National Democratic Alliance has 27.7 percent of the votes, of which the Bharatiya Janata Party has 21.2 percent.

* The Left has 4.7 percent of the vote.

* Among the other parties, the BSP has 3.98 percent of the votes and the AIADMK 3.3 percent.

* In the "others" category are 10.1 percent of the votes.

To calculate the number of voters each legislator represents, the total population of the state is divided by the number of legislatures and then divided by 1,000.

For example, each member of Uttar Pradesh assembly represents 208 voters, while an a member from Sikkim represents seven voters.

The value of vote of each MP is uniform at 708.

(Figures made available by PRS Legislative Research)








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