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Palestinians have endured more than their share of agony: Top UN Court told

The Palestinians have endured more than their share of agony even as the International laws did not provide any protection to them, Palestine's UN Envoy Riyad Mansour told the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Monday February 19, 2024. Read More

Monday February 19, 2024 11:33 PM , News Network

Palestinians have endured more than their share of agony: Top UN Court told

The Hague: The Palestinians have endured more than their share of agony even as the International laws did not provide any protection to them, Palestine's UN Envoy Riyad Mansour told the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Monday February 19, 2024.

“What does the International Law mean for Palestinian children in Gaza today. It has protected neither them nor their childhood. It has not protected their families", Mansour said in choked voice.

"We are a proud a resilient people that has eundred more than its share of agony. It is so painful to be Palestinian today(sic)", he added.

Mansour also said that Israel must bear the consequences of actions that run counter to international law, not be rewarded for them. He described tearfully how international law has failed to protect Palestinian children.

“We call on you to confirm that the Israeli presence in the occupied Palestinian territory is illegal and that its occupation must come to an immediate, complete and unconditional end,” he said.

“Without accountability, there is no justice; and without justice, there can be no peace", he said.

"The state of Palestine appeals to this court to guide us towards a future in which Palestinian children are treated as children... not as demographics", he said.

Riyad Mansour was speaking at the ICJ in The Hague during a hearing on the request of the United Nations to determine the legal consequences of Israel’s decades-long occupation of Palestinian territories.

The United Nations had in December 2022 asked the ICJ to judge and opine upon the legal status of Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territories as per the international law.

The UNGA in its resolution also called for an investigation into Israeli measures "aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem", saying Israel has adopted "discriminatory legislation and measures".

The 6-day hearing at the ICJ following the UN resolution will continue till Feb 26. The resolution marks only the second time the UN General Assembly asked the ICJ to comment on Israeli war crimes and it's not on a specific policy but Israeli apartheid, occupation, and colonization more broadly.

In another case relating to Israel, the ICJ on the South African Petition seeking additional measures asked the Zionist regime in Israel to refrain from going ahead with the ground offensive in Rafah.

“The Court notes that the most recent developments in the Gaza Strip, and in Rafah in particular, ‘would exponentially increase what is already a humanitarian nightmare with untold regional consequences’, as stated by the United Nations Secretary-General in his remarks to the General Assembly on priorities for 2024 on Feb 7, 2024", the ICJ said on Feb 16, 2024.

"This perilous situation demands immediate and effective implementation of the provisional measures indicated by the Court in its Order of 26 January 2024, which are applicable throughout the Gaza Strip, including in Rafah, and does not demand the indication of additional provisional measures", the ICJ said.

"The Court emphasizes that the State of Israel remains bound to fully comply with its obligations under the Genocide Convention and with the said Order, including by ensuring the safety and security of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip", the UN Court said.


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