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Cambridge students selling drugs to pay university fee

Saturday February 25, 2012 07:47:40 PM, IANS

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London: Every seventh Cambridge student is dealing in drugs to pay his or her way through university while nearly two-thirds of the students have admitted taking the banned substance, a survey has revealed.

The survey also found many students claiming to have been forced to sell illegal substances to friends to make ends meet as they study, the Daily Mail reported.

The survey, conducted by student newspaper Varsity, involved 434 students, mostly undergraduates.

Nearly two-thirds admitted taking drugs, with cannabis being the most popular substance, in the survey that found cocaine being the most frequently used Class-A drug, with a quarter of students saying that they had snorted it at some point.

Many claimed that the drug, which has halved in price over the last decade, was more widely used at Cambridge than at any other university they had visited.

At least 14 percent of those, who took banned substances, have as a result been admitted to hospital or needed medical attention at some point.

A King's College student said: "It's hard to juggle a job and studying at Cambridge, so [dealing] is a quick and easy way for them to make cash to pay for the fees."

A fifth said they began to rely on drugs as it helped them manage stress from heavy workloads.

A third of Cambridge students also admitted that one or more of their friends had "serious drug problems", while nearly two in five said they also used prescription drugs for recreational purposes.

A spokesman for the university said: "There is no indication of the validity of this survey but clearly the university doesn't condone dealing in illegal substances."

In 2011-12, the tuition fee for British or European Union students studying for their first undergraduate degree is 3,375 pounds ($5,312) per year for all courses at the university.

However, as per the new structure, the tuition fees for overseas students commencing 2012-13 will range between 13,011 and 31,494 pounds.






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