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Clashes in Hyderabad; situation tense but under control

Thursday October 25, 2012 08:26:00 PM, Agencies

Hyderabad: Violence broke out in Hyderabad Wednesday after a young man was found murdered. Police sources said that the situation came under control within one hour and prohibitory order has been clamped in the city.

"Prohibitory orders under section 144 Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) have been imposed in Musheerabad police limits from 6 am onwards today for 24 hours to avoid any further incident. The situation is now peaceful and under control", news agency PTI quoted police officials as saying.

Two groups of different communities were engaged in clashes when members of one community raised objections and argued with members of other community while they were trying to catch a bull which had escaped from their locality on Wednesday.


At Shad Nagar area in the suburb of the city, four youths engaged in the trade of cattle for Eid al Adha were attacked by an alleged mob of right-wing Hindu activists, news portal TCN reported.


Bull, ox, and other cattle, carried in a lorry were reportedly stopped and animals were snatched away. The four youths were reportedly tied up to a tree and beaten heatedly, till local police came to their rescue.

During the clash and heated argument, one youth died after being attacked by a sharp weapon. His death "provoked" the other group which indulged in stone pelting, said police, according to new sportal oneindia.

Police was caught by surprise, and it took them some time to control the situation. Special Task Force, under Commissioner of police, Anurag Sharma, and Additional Commissioner Amit Garg patrolled the area.

Heavy security is being deployed now, in the violence hit localities.





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