Design study is a fastest growing academic field, over taking the traditional Arts Science & Commerce disciplines. "Why & How" are the questions that are often asked and this needs explanation?
Well today we live in a world which is business oriented or business dominated. This world is quite different from the one in which the traditional academic disciplines had emerged and developed.
In today's world, the need is to match people's needs with what are technologically feasible and viable business solutions. This gap is now being fulfilled by the Design Studies.
The premise of Design study is to know about how to successfully approach and solve the multi-dimensional problems, more specifically, through ideas and graphic design to execute solutions to the individual's business needs.
As such design study can be defined as combining understanding of the problem, generating of creative insights into it and developing various solutions to address the intractable human needs.
Design study is a practical method for creative resolution of the problems. Here the solutions are created with the intent of an improved result that can serve the future. The study is based on focused thinking; starting with a goal, and steps towards a better solution.
Design study tries to investigate both known and ambiguous aspects of the current situation. It discovers hidden parameters to open alternative paths leading to the goal.
The phrase 'outside the box thinking' has been coined to at best describe design studies. This kind of thinking helps in removing the ambiguities and faulty assumptions and is meant to propound fresh ideas as a probable solution.
Every problem in the design study has to undergo seven stages of process: define research, ideate, prototype, choose, implement, and learn. Under these seven steps, problems can be framed, the right questions can be asked, more ideas can be generated, and the best solution can be found. These steps are not linear in nature and can occur simultaneously or can even be repeated.
The steps of training in design study are based on hands-on approach. Understanding, observing, posing alternate point of view, Ideation, creating prototype, testing and improvising are the ways of learning in design studies.
The methods used in design studies include are; looking at other existing solutions, situational analysis, creating prototypes, problem mapping, asking the "Five-Whys," or the question-asking technique used to explore the cause-and-effect relationships underlying a particular problem.
In design studies symbols, signs, and metaphors are used through the medium of sketching, diagrams and technical drawings to translate abstract requirements into concrete objects.
The objective of Design studies is to create designers. Conventionally, design students communicate mostly in visual or object languages. They use drawings, scale models or prototypes as their primary means of design. This entails a use of unlimited range of visual and verbal design tools to create a design.
The of the design institutions is to make the students hone the designers skills so that they become industry friendly. The idea is to make them job ready to fit in the role of a designer.
How design study is different from the regular Arts or Science fields education. The answer is simple. Design study has its own distinct way to look at the problem. It is based on problem solving, problem shaping, synthesis, and in appropriateness of the solution.
The approach of science is objectivity, rationality and neutrality. In Arts it is: subjectivity, analogy, metaphor and evaluation. In design studies the approach is modeling, pattern-forming, practicality, and a concern for appropriate solution. It suggests specify ways in which the foreseen thing can be made to exist.
Design studies utilizes both analysis and synthesis approach to solve the problem. It encourages divergent thinking and then uses convergent thinking to ideate solutions.
So design study is based on creativity and rationality. Creativity has no boundaries but while doing design studies this has to be combined with analytical and synthesis approach.
There are many courses that can be done under Design studies. The three year six semester degree courses are; Fashion Design, Textile Design, Accessory Design, Leather Design, Interior Design. The one year media course of Fashion Communication is a very fast growing course. Besides there are other diploma a degree courses under design study.
The National College of Design, a premier design institution in Chennai. The National College of Design is a multi-disciplinary institution offering various design courses. The accreditation of some of its courses comes from Allagpa University, Karikudi Tamil Nadu.
The reorganization of National College of Design's high standard of learning has come from International Standard Organization ISO that has certified it as a 2008-2009 Institution. The National College of Design has signed a MoU with Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) Australia.
For more details visit or call contact 08144460999
[Syed Ali Mujtaba is a journalist based in Chennai. He can be contacted at]
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