New Delhi: The Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) is set to announce online the First Round of Seat Allotment for the academic year 2017-18 Wednesday June 28, 2017 on its official website.
Candidates can access the JOSAA First Round Seat Allotment on the official website of the JoSAA, www.josaa.nic.in.
How to Check:
- Click here to goto official www.josaa.nic.in.
- Click on the tab marked with "Round -1: View Allotment Results and Pay Seat Acceptance Fee"
- Enter JEE Main Roll No and Password and other necessary details
- Click on Login
If a candidate has registered for JEE (Advanced) 2017 then he or she should use JEE (Advanced) 2017 password. Otherwise use JEE (Main) 2017 password.
Candidates should also note that there is separate link to print locked choices.
Candidates should also note that First round reporting for Seat Acceptance is from June 29 to July 03, 2017 - both days included from morning 10:00 to 05:00 pm.
Display of seats filled / availability status will be done at 10:00 am on July 04, 2017. Second Round Seat allocation (2nd round) will be done on July 04 at 05:00 pm.
For claiming a seat in OBC-NCL category, candidate must bring the OBC-NCL certificate in prescribed format issued on or after 01/04/2017 at the time of reporting.
Help Centres for NITs+ institutes are functioning at all the 40 Reporting centres from 15-06-2017. Candidates can use this facility for online choice filling and locking.
Meanwhile, candidates should note that NIFFT Ranchi has withdrawn Mechanical Engineering programme as per their letter no. NIFFT/D-93(CSAB)/2017 dated 24.06.201, in compliance to MHRD order F.No. 17-18/2015-TS.VII dated 22.06.2017.
JoSAA will conduct seven rounds that is 1st through 7th rounds of seat allocation for academic programs offered by Institutes under JoSAA 2017 based on the availability of seats.
Earlier, online Registration and Choice Filling for seat allocation conducted by the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) for admission to various institutions including IITs, NITs, IIEST, IIITs and Other-GFTIs for the academic year 2017-18 started from June 15 at 10:00 am.
The last date for online registration and choice filling was June 26, 2017 till 05:00 pm.
All the candidates who appeared for JEE (Main) 2017 are considered while preparing rank lists and are allowed to fill-in their choices. The rank lists provided by the JEE Apex Board will be used as such without any change even if two or more candidates have the same rank; in other words, JoSAA 2017 will NOT apply any tie-breaking norms / rules.
Important Points
- For filling-in of choices of academic programs in various Institutes, candidates should login to the JOSAA 2017 official website using their JEE (Main) 2017 Roll Number and password.
- Filling-in of choices on the online portal is free of cost, i.e., candidates are NOT required to pay any fee, the JOSAA 2017 information file says.
- A candidate may be eligible for seat allocation based on one, two or all three examinations viz., JEE (Advanced) 2017, JEE (Main) 2017 Paper-1 (B.E. / B.Tech.) and JEE (Main) 2017 Paper-2 (B.Arch. /B.Planning).
- Even for candidates who are eligible to participate in Joint Seat Allocation based on any two or all three of the above examination, only ONE seat from among the choices filled-in is made available. Hence, it is important for candidates to carefully prioritize the academic programs while fillingin the choices.
- Candidates are given a 12 day window to fill-in their choices which includes 2 mock seat allocations on the 6th and 9th day. This 12-day window will not be extended under any circumstance.
- Candidates should take advantage of the mock seat allocations and choose as many academic programs as possible in the order of preference.
- Candidates MUST “lock” their choices after 2nd mock seat allocation. If candidates do NOT lock their choices, last saved choices will be locked automatically in the last minute of last date of choice filling. Candidates will NOT be able to change their choices / preference order any more.
The Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) 2017 has been set up by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) to manage and regulate the joint seat allocation for admissions to 97 institutes for the academic year 2017-18. This includes 23 IITs, 31 NITs, 23 IIITs and 20 Other-Government Funded Technical Institutes (Other-GFTIs).
Admission to all the academic programs offered by these Institutes will be made through a single platform.