New Delhi: IIT Madras and the Joint Admission Board (JAB), responsible authorities for conducting JEE Adavanced 2017, has released online the Admit Cards or Hall Tickets of the registered candidates on its official website today i.e. Wednesday May 10, 2017.
To download Admit Card click on the link "" and follow the steps given as under:
- JEE (Advanced) Registration Number
- Enter date of Birth in the given format (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Enter your Mobile Number
- Enter your Email Address
- Click on Download Admit Card
According to the JEE Advanced 2017 schedule, the IIT Madras and the Joint Admission Board (JAB) will release Admit Cards on May 10, 2017 at 10:00 am. But the release of the JEE Advanced 2017 Admit Card was delayed by few hours and it was released at 12:30 pm.
Earlier in the morning the JAB in statement had said the Admit Card will be released by 2 pm today.
"Online Admit Card will be available for download by 02.00 PM of May 10th.", JAB said in an official statement.
The candidates should note that they will be able to download and print their Admit Cards till 09:00 am on Sunday May 21 i.e till start of the exam.
JEE Advanced 2017 is scheduled to be held on Sunday May 21 will be conducted by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras.
Earlier, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) launched a separate and dedicated portal (website) for registration to JEE Advanced 2017. Candidates, who have cracked JEE Main 2017 scoring the necessary marks, should register before May 02 to avoid late fee charges.
Online registration of JEE Advanced begins a day after JEE Main results are declared. Accordingly, online registration process of JEE Advanced 2017 began from Friday April 28, 2017.
Last date of registration of JEE Advanced 2017 was May 02, 2017. However, registration of JEE Advanced 2017 can be done with late fees till May 04, 2017.
Students should also note that there is a separate link given on the Home Page for Foreign Candidates. They need to click on the link made for them and follow instruction to register for JEE Advanced.
The Joint Entrance Examination (Advanced) 2017 [JEE (Advanced) 2017] will be conducted by the seven zonal IITs under the guidance of the Joint Admission Board (JAB) 2017.
The examination consists of two papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2, each of three hours duration and will be held as per the following schedule:
- Paper-1 Sunday 21-May-2017 09:00 to 12:00 IST
- Paper-2 Sunda y 21-May-2017 14:00 to 17:00 IST
JEE Advanced is the entrance test for admission to IITs spread across India and located in Bhubaneswar, Bombay, Delhi,Gandhinagar, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Mandi, Madras, Palakkad, Patna, Ropar, Roorkee, Tirupati, Banaras Hindu University (IIT-BHU) Varanasi and Indian School of Mines (ISM) Dhanbad for the academic session 2017.
The performance of a candidate in this examination will form the basis for admission to the Bachelor’s, Integrated Master’s and Dual Degree programs (entry at the 10+2 level) in all the IITs. The decisions of the JAB 2017 will be final in all matters related to JEE (Advanced) 2017 and admission to IITs.