New Delhi: A total of 8,261 candidates who had appeared for the UPSC Combined Defence Services Examination (I) held on February 04, 2018 have been declared qualified for the Personal Interview by the Service Selection Board (SSB) of the Ministry of Defence for admission to various academies and courses.
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Combined Defence Services Examination (I) declared the result of the Combined Defence Services Examination (I) 2018 Written Exams on its official website today i.e. Tuesday March 27, 2018.
"On the basis of the results of the COMBINED DEFENCE SERVICES EXAMINATION (I), 2018 held by the Union Public Service Commission on 04th February, 2018, 8261 candidates whose roll numbers are mentioned o the UPSC website have been decalred qualified for being interviewed by the Service Selection Board (SSB) of the Ministry of Defence", the UPSC said.
The selected candidates have been qualified for admission to (i) Indian Military Academy, Dehradun 146th Course commencing in January, 2019 (ii) Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala, Course commencing in January, 2019 (iii) Air Force Academy, Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) Training Course (205 F(P)) commencing in February, 2019 (iv) Officers Training Academy, Chennai 109th SSC Course (NT)(for Men) commencing in April, 2019 and (v) Officers Training Academy, Chennai, 23rd SSC Women (Non-Technical) Course commencing in April, 2019, the UPSC said.
"All the candidates who have successfully qualified in the written exam are required to register themselves online on the Indian Army Recruiting website within two weeks of announcement of written result. The successful candidates would them be allotted Selection Centres and dates, of SSB interview which shall be communicated on the registered e-mail ID. Any candidate who has already registered earlier on the site will not be required to do so. In case of any query/Login problem, email be forwarded to", the UPSC said.
The candidature of all the candidates, whose Roll Numbers are shown in the lists below, is provisional. In accordance with the conditions of the admission to the examination, they are required to submit the original certificates in support of age (Date of Birth), educational qualifications, NCC (C) (Army Wing/Senior Division Air Wing/Naval Wing) etc. claimed by them along with self attested copies thereof, to Army Headquarters.
The marks-sheet of candidates who have not qualified, will be put on the Commission’s website within 15 days from the date of publication of the final result of OTA (after conducting SSB Interview) and will remain available on the website for a period of 60 days.
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