Mumbai: Markazul Ma’arif Education and Research Centre (MMERC), Mumbai on Wednesday organized “Grammar Art Competition” among its first year students of Diploma in English Language and Literature (DELL).
"There were five groups of competitors, allotted time was two hours and they were asked to design English Grammar in the shape of map. First position holder group will be rewarded with cash prize". MMERC coordinator Muddassir Ahmad Qasmi said.
MMERC and its affiliated eight branches across India teach complete English Grammar in Eight months time span out of two years of DELL course and after that essay and composition are taught to enhance their writing skills.
"MMERC and its affiliated institutions utilize a unique style for teaching English Grammar. Since only graduates of Madrasas (A’lim, Fazil, Adeeb and Mufti) are eligible for this DELL course and they already know Arabic Grammar very well, therefore, while teaching them English Grammar they are told its equivalent in Arabic Grammar. For instance, when they are taught ‘Noun’, they are told that ‘this is called in Arabic Ism’. This method makes them understand easily and ultimately they become good at English Grammar", Qasmi said.
DELL course is a brain-child of Badruddin Ajmal Al-Qasmi, who established Markazul Ma'arif Education & Research Centre (MMERC) in 1994 to equip the graduates of Mada'ris withmodern sciences so that they could meet modern challenges and play a greater influential role in the society.
"It is interesting to note that MMERC is the first institution of its kind in the world, which undertakes to train Ulama for the modern world. Currently, MMERC has 8 affiliated members in eight different states of India for this highly useful course", Qasmi said.
"Notably, MMERC also serves as a platform that bridges the gulf between the two sections of the Muslim society i.e. modern educated ones and madrasa products", he added.
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