For the welfare of minorities Late Prime
Minister of India Mrs. Indira Gandhi had released a 20 Point
Programme in 1970, in pursuance of which not a single programme was
implemented. Then Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi declared a
15 Point Programme among which seven points were to control the
communal riots. That 15 Point Programme was not aimed to eradicate
the educational backwardness of Muslims, although educational
backwardness of Muslims is the only cause of their socio, economical
and political backwardness.
The present Prime Minister's New 15
Point Programme aims at providing equal development opportunities to
minorities with definite goals to be achieved in a specific time
Objectives of the
programme are:
Enhancing opportunities for
Ensuring an equitable share for
minorities in economic activities and employment, through existing
and new schemes, enhanced credit support for self-employment, and
recruitment to State and Central Govt. jobs.
Improving the conditions of
living of minorities by ensuring an appropriate share for them in
infrastructure development schemes.
Prevention and control of
communal disharmony and violence.
This programme provides that wherever
possible, 15% targets and outlays under various schemes should be
earmarked for minorities.
The schemes amenable to such earmarking
opportunities for Education:
Equitable availability of ICDS
Services: Integrated Child
Development Services through Anganwadies.
Improving access to school Education:
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya
Scheme (KGBVS) and other similar Govt. schemes.
Equitable Share in
Economic Activities and Employment:
Self Employment and Wage Employment
for the poor.
(a) Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SJSY)
(b) Swarnjayanti Shahri Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY)
(c) Sampurn Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY)
Upgradation of skills through
technical training. New Industrail Training Institution (ITI)
and upgradation of existing ITIs.
Enhanced Credit Support for Economic
(a) Bank Credit under priority sector
Improving the
conditions of living of Minorities:
1) Equitable share in rural housing
scheme Indira Awas Yojana (IAY)
2) Improvement in condition of slums
inhabited by minority communities.
Integrated Housing and Slum Development
Programme (IHSDP) Basic Services for Urban Poor (BSUP) under
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM).
It has been observed that many of the
centrally sponsored schemes and schemes under Bharat Nirman and
National Flagship Programs are not included in the P.M's new 15
Point Program. Such as –
A) Under
enhancing opportunities of education, only ICDS, SSA and
KGBVs are included while Mid-Day Meal Scheme, strengthening of
Teacher Training Institutes, Mahila Samakhya, National Mission for
Female Literacy, support to NGOs for Adult Education and Skill
Development, Merged Schemes of Literacy Campaign and Continuing
Education, Jan Shikshan Sansthans, Scheme for Universal Access and
Quality at Secondary Stage (SUCCESS), National Scheme for Incentive
to girl child, Navodaya Vidyalayas, Kendriya Vidyalayas, New Model
Schools, Sainik Schools, National Institute of Open Schooling,
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), Community Colleges, Top
Class Education in Private/Un-aided Schools, Scheme for Settingup of
6000 Model Schools at Block level, Inclusive Education for disabled
at Secondary Schools, National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship
Scheme (one lakh scholarships per year), Vocationalisation of
Education, Community Polytechnics, Information and Communication
Technology in Schools, Scheme for Construction and Running Girls
Hostels for Secondary and Higher Secondary Students and at college
level (2000 Girls Hostels with a unit cost of Rs. 1 crore will be
provided in XI Plan out of which 300 Hostels must be for
minorities), National Bal Bhavan, Institutes of Higher Education and
Research, Establishment of Universities, Innovation in Science
Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) Scholarship Scheme (10,000
scholarships per year) Scholarship for continuing Science Education,
National Knowledge Network, Fellowship for Research and Study in
India and abroad (National Overseas Scholarships), Scholarship for
college/university students (newly declared 82,000 scholarships), PG
Indira Gandhi Scholarship Scheme (to single girl child students),
CSIR Program on Youth for Leadership in Science, National Talent
Search Exams, Student loans to Weaker Section (with full interest
The benefits of all these schemes must
be targeted for minorities with respect to their population and
backwardness as being earmarked for SCs, STs and OBCs.
The National Policy on Education (NPE)
commits itself to provide all possible means for the uplift of the
educationally backward minorities. The National Monitoring
Committee for Minorities Education (NMCME) is constituted by the
Ministry of HRD in 2004 to look into all aspects of education of
minorities and suggest ways and means to improve the conditions for
educational empowerment of minorities.
The Madarsa Modernisation Programme has
been revised by providing better salary to teachers, increased
assistance for books, teaching aids and computers, introduction of
vocational subjects. This Central Sponsored Scheme is Quality
Improvement in Madarasa Education (SPQEM) with a budget provision of
Rs. 325 crore in XI plan. It is targeted to cover 4500 to 6000
In very few Madarsas, Government has
extended its Mid-day Meal Scheme.
A new Centrally Sponsored Scheme of
financial assistance for Infrastructure Development of privately
managed Minority Schools (IDMI) has been launched with an outlay of
Rs. 125 Cr. in XI Plan.
Universalisation of Access to Quality
Education at Secondary Stage (SUCCESS) has been approved. Setting up
of new Jan Shikshan Sansthans (JSSs) is being incorporated in the
revised scheme by the MHRD. Provision of more Girls Hostels in
colleges and universities in Minority Concentrated Districts/Blocks
is proposed under existing UGC scheme ( as stated by Minister of
MoMA in Rajya Sabha on 4th August, 2009) But the achievement of
these schemes are not submitted by the Hon'ble Minister.
The Mid-day Meal Scheme has been
extended to 3479 educationally backward blocks in 2007-08, out of
which 564 blocks are of Muslim minority concentration, and the
remaining 1228 Muslim concentration blocks were targeted to be
covered during 2008-09.
Only 77 blocks with a high concentration
of Muslims have been identified for establishing BITEs to impart
Teachers Training.
Training of Urdu Medium Teacher for
modern subjects is started only at AMU, JMI and MANUU, which did not
cater the needs of thousands of Urdu Medium teachers for their
professional development.
School Education (MHRD) etc. must be asked to develop a
comprehensive policy for fair share in various schemes for
The National Commission for Minority
Educational Institutions (NCMEI) must have statutory powers so that
it should effectively implement minorities rights to establish and
administer educational institution of their choice and higher and
technical educational institutions should get the direct affiliation
with Central Universities without any local hurdles.
A total of 88 Minority Concentrated
Districts would be covered under XI Plan of incentivising States to
set up colleges in districts with lower than the National Gross
Enrolment Ratio in higher education.
A new centrally sponsored scheme is
proposed for assistance to polytechnics which ensures that each
Muslim Minority Concentrated District has a polytechnic for which
non-recurring expenditure is proposed to be made available. ( Press
Release MHRD, dated 17th January, 2008).
To reduce the dropout rate among
minorities, in built mechanism for upgrading educational needs of
minorities like coaching classes/ remedial teaching must be provided
in all schools/colleges. Still no sincere efforts are made to
increase the access of minorities in educational institutions.
Madarsa pass-outs must be recognised for admissions in formal
University Degree Programs.
Elimination of religion based
discrimination and harassment in educational institutions should be
ensured by institutes by establishing Equal Opportunity Offices.
B) Under
Equitable Share in Economic Activities and Employment,
Schemes like Prime Ministers Employment Generation Program ( PMEGP),
Skill Development Mission, Work Shed Schemes for artisans, Scheme
for enhancing productivity and competitiveness for Khadi industries
artisans, Weavers, Handloom Weavers Comprehensive Welfare Scheme,
Skilled labours, Handicraft Artisans Comprehensive Welfare Scheme,
Scholarships to aspiring Pilot Trainees etc. are not included.
Minorities must be benefited by such activities. Special programmes
of employment are very necessary to reduce the huge unemployment
among minorities specially Muslims.
Priority needs to be given to Minorities
in EGS with proper monitoring of coverage.
The labour force need to be provided
with job oriented training under the Apprentice Act to enable them
to have better job opportunities.
There is an urgent need to ensure
upgradation of skills of minorities so that they can compete better
in the market. Credit flow must be unhampered and easy to access,
specially in occupations which have been the traditional forte of
minority categories. A suitable marketing strategy needs to be
worked out on the lines of TRIFED to market the products
manufactured by Small Muslim Artisans.
NMDFC providing credit to minorities
have been facing the problems of insufficient amount for disbursing
loans. There is need to restructure the schemes so that they become
more sustainable.
The corporation need to be thoroughly
professinalised so that the programmes financed by them help develop
entrepreneurial skills of the minority loanees. The strength and
capability of NMDFC must be augmented. Minority students who can
not continue their education after schooling be provided with
vocational training/skill training programs in ITIs/Polytechnics.
These institutions should have adequate seats on population basis
and should be located closer to minority concentrated areas.
C) Under
improving the conditions of living of minorities, only
IAY, IHSDP and JNNURM are included.
Further, this new 15 point program for
development of minorities do not include any welfare scheme for
minorities youth and no provision is made to earmark the funds in
any of the Health Scheme like National Food Security Mission,
National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), National Vector Borne Disease
Control Programme, National Program for control of Blindness,
Revised National TB Control Program, National Leprosy Eradication
Program, Immunisation, AIDS Control Program, Rashtriya Swasthya Bima
Yojana, Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana, Integrated Child Protection Scheme,
National Program for Elderly.
Under better infrastructure development,
Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana, Rajiv Gandhi Drinking
Water Mission, Total Sanitation Campaign, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak
Yojana (PMSGY), Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY), Pradhan
Mantri Gramodaya Yojana (PMGY) are not included in the present P.M's
new 15 point programme.
Recently in the end of October 2009,
three schemes ; National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP),
Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT)
and Urban Infrastructure and Governance (UIG) are approved by Govt.
of India for minority welfare.
Public distribution system has emerged
as a poverty alleviation measure and has become a permanent feature
in Indian Economy. All over the world, it has been understood that
it is not the optimum levels of the production alone, but the levels
of equitable distribution that can ensure maximum welfare of the
largest population. Under public distribution system, the
Government has adopted many welfare schemes by allocating and off
taking the food grains such as rice and wheat e.g.
Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDM)
Scheme for supply of food grains to
Hostels/Welfare Institutions.
Wheat Based Nutrition Programme (WBNP)
Annapurna Scheme
Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana (SGRY)
Nutritional Programme for Adolescent
Girls (NPAG)
National Food for Work Programme (NFFWP)
Emergency Feeding Programme (EFP)
Except SGRY, in any of the above scheme,
15% targets are not earmarked for the deserving minorities, hence
they are being marginalized by food security benefits.
Although the main objective of the
Eleventh Five Year Plan is “Faster and More Inclusive Growth". This
plan is designed to reduce poverty and focus on bridging the various
divides that continue to fragment our society. Inclusive growth
demands that all social groups have equal access to the services
provided by the State.
But the P.M's New 15 Point Program seems
to be failed to achieve the desired goal of XI Plan due to non
inclusion of aforementioned National level development programs for
benefiting the minorities.
The desired "inclusive growth" can be
achieved by providing equal opportunities to minorities and all the
welfare programmes must not be just suggestive in nature. The 15 %
targets (with specific distribution among minorities as per their
population) under all the central welfare schemes must be made
Special component plan for Minorities
just like that for SCs & STs can only solve this problem for which
Minorities Budgeting Methodology must be followed in Union Budget.
As evident from the Sachar Committee,
Muslims are far behind than the SCs, STs, OBCs and other
minorities. The special Muslim Minorities Component Plan
is the need of hour which must be implemented in forthcoming Five
Year Plans. It must have the provisions for earmarking population
proportionate funds in each Central Ministry and Department for the
development of Muslims and other minorities as that provided for SCs,
STs, OBCs.
A critical look on the achievements for
15% of the allocation earmarked for Minorities under various
National level schemes reveals following findings;
1) The Integrated Child
Development Services (ICDS) Scheme has budgetary allocation of Rs.
44,400 Cr. in XI Plan period. It's 15% means Rs. 6,660 Cr. must be
utilised for minorities.
Year |
Budget Allocation |
Funds Released |
15% targeted for
Minorities |
2007-08 |
5293 Cr |
5170.34 Cr |
793.95 Cr |
2008-09 |
6300 Cr |
6294.50 Cr |
945.00 Cr |
2009-10 |
6705 Cr |
3598.59 Cr
(up to 31/8/2009) |
1005.75 Cr |
In October 2008, the Government took a
major initiative to universalize ICDS by increasing the number of
Anganwadis to 14 lakh from 10 lakh. While expanding the scheme,
focus has been given to SC/ST/Minorities dominated areas. 2.66 lakh
number of Anganwadis were sanctioned under 3rd phase of expansion of
ICDS in 2008-09, out of which 37,672 (14.13%) number of Angwanwadis
are in 1228 identified CD Blocks where minority population is 25%
and above including 10715 AWCs in 32 MCDs.
Hence, out of the total 13.56 lakh
number of operational Anganwadi Centres, very few of them are
operational for minorities (just 37,672). This scheme needs to be
extended in all blocks having minority population 15% and above.
A micro level analysis must be performed
to assess the further needs after universalization of ICDS in all
2) Under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
(SSA) for the year 2008-09, according to HRD Ministry's report
upto 31st December 2008, published on 12th May 2009, only 6,972
number of teachers were appointed against targeted sanctioned 21,945
posts ( 31% achievement ), out of total 1.07 lakh new teachers
recruitment. In Minority concentrated 90 districts identified,
4,404 new primary schools were targeted for the construction, out of
which only 3,226 schools were constructed while total 52,431 number
of schools' construction was approved during 2008-09. 4,154 new
upper primary schools were to be established, but 2,238 schools are
started (53.87 % achievement). 1.75 lakh additional class rooms
were approved for construction, out of which 21,102 were planned to
be constructed for Minorities, but 14,142 additional class rooms
were constructed ( 67.01 % achievement.) Apart from this, the
report for the following targets is not published.
Construction of Toilets in 7,132 schools
(it's 15% means 1,069 Minority schools) ; Providing Drinking Water
Facilities in 24,399 schools ( 3,659 minority schools); Provision of
Free Text Books to 8.97 Cr. students ( 1.34 Cr. minority students)
; School grant to 11.82 lakh schools (1.773 lakh minority schools);
Teacher grant to 41.47 lakh teachers (6.22 lakh minority teachers @
Rs. 500/- per teacher ) ; School Building maintenance grant to 10.18
lakh schools ( 1.527 lakh minority schools) and Education Guarantee
Scheme Centres Alternative and Innovative Education Facilities for
64.73 lakh children ( 9.70 lakh minority children).
In short, out of Rs. 13,100 crore
allocated for SSA during 2008-09, Rs. 1,965 Cr. must have been
utilized for minorities (15% share).
This report reveals the under
achievements of various provisions / programs earmarked for
minorities. Hence PM's New 15 Point Program for development of
minorities is failed in letter and spirit.
Further, under 'Bharat Nirman' project
dedicated to building a strong and prosperous India, in last four
years, 2.4 lakh schools were opened (among which 0.36 lakh must be
for minorities), 8 lakh teachers were appointed( 1.2 lakh must be
teachers for minorities). Decision to establish 1000 polytechnics,
means 150 polytechnics must be for minorities, 30 Central
Universities, means 5 Universities must be in minority concentrated
districts benefiting exclusively the minorities.
3) Kasturba Gandhai Balika Vidyalayas
Total number of Muslim girls in 1226
operational KGBVs wre 4178 (5.17 %) out of the total girls enrolled
i.e. 80880 as on 11th July, 2007.
Total number of girls enrolled in 2511
KGBVs are 1,91,123; out of which only 14,366 are muslim girls (
7.52 % against 15% target) as on 15th July, 2009.
Out of the total 2,180 KGBVs sanctioned,
only 266 are in Muslim populated blocks (over 20% Muslim
population); 622 are in SC and 583 in ST populated Blocks.
4) Swarnjayanti Gram Swarazgar Yojana
(SGSY) :
In a self employment program, 60,494
Swarozgaris belonging to the minorities were assisted in 2006-07
against the target of 1.63 lakh (37.1% achievement) out of a total
of 10.91 lakh number of Swarozgaries targeted. This went up to 1.43
lakh Minority Rozgaris against the target of 2.02 lakh in 2007-08
(70.79% achievement). The target for assisting Minority Rozgaris
has been fixed at 2.64 lakh in 2008-09, out of which 1.86 lakh
Swarjogaris belonging to minorities were assisted ( 70.45%
achievement) Total number of Swarjozgaris assisted in this scheme
during the year 2008-09 were 18,61,875 out of which number of SHG
and individual Swarjogaris achievement for minorities were 2,75,121
( 14.78%) ( as per the annual report of Ministry of Rural
But the online report available shows
that 55887 number of minorities members of SHGs assisted out of
total 509345 and 9873 number of minority individual swarozgaries
assisted out of total 115377 during 2008-09 which become
approximately 10% only.
Credit and subsidy disbursed to
minorities in 2007-08 is Rs. 1,918.5 Cr. against total of Rs.
13,789.56 Cr. ( 13.91 % for minorities ), in 2008-09, Rs. 158.27 Cr.
out of total Rs. 5,185 Cr. ( 3.05 % for minorities ). Number of
minority swarozgaris assisted under special projects during 2007-08
are 6,535 out of total 28,82,151 ( just 0.22% for minorities) while
in 2008-09, 5,148 out of total 22,37,374 ( just 0.23% for
minorities). Number of Individual Minority Swarjogaris assisted for
Economic Activities during 2007-08, 18,544 out of 2,44,628 ( 7.58%
for minorities) and in 2008-09, 31,509 out of 2,93,207 ( 10.74% for
minorities). Number of Minority Self Help Groups assisted for
economic activities during 2007-08 are 1,19,207 out of total
11,45,056 (10.41% for minorities) and in 2008-09, 1,53,472 out of
13,45,800 (11.40% for minorities).
5) Swarnjayanti Shahri Swarozgar
Yojana (SJSRY)
15% of physical and financial targets
regarding assistance for micro enterprises and skill training under
SJSRY have been earmarked to minorities. 15,933 beneficiaries from
minorities were assisted for skill training against 22539 targeted
out of the total 1.5 lakh in 2006-07. In 2007-08, the achievements
rose substantially to 41,466. While in 2008-09, upto end of
December, 13,742 were the beneficiaries among minorities. For the
year 2008-09, an outlay of Rs. 540.67 crores has been approved for
the scheme, of which Rs. 81 Cr. must be utilised for minorities.
RBI circular dated 12th Oct. 2009 restricts Branch Manager of Banks
not to reject the applications of SCs, STs. Higher official than
the Branch Manager can reject the application. The reason of
rejection may also be communicated to sponsoring agency. Similar
measures are required for minorities to get the fair benefit from
6) Sampoorna Gramin Razgar Yojana (SGRY):
Under the employment generation program of SGRY, Rs. 29,091.55
crores were earmarked during 2006-07 for works benefiting the
minorities, out of which Rs. 1,922.26 Cr. ( i.e. 6.6% )
were utilised. During 2007-08, against earmarked allocation of Rs.
16,056.02 Crores for minorities, works for a total amount of Rs.
3,970.97 Cr. (i.e. 24.7%) had benefited the minorities (upto
Dec.'2007). After the promulgation of the National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act, the SGSR program had subsumed with NREGS in the
initial 330 districts where the Act is in operation.
During the year 2008-09, total budget
for this scheme is Rs. 12,040 Crore, for benefiting minorities; Rs.
1,806 Cr. must be allocated.
7) Scheme to improve representation
of Minorities in Govt. Services: Revised guidelines to
improve the representation of minorities in Govt. Services ( Central
& State ) and Public Sector undertakings have been issued by the
Department of Personnel & Training on 8th January 2007.
On 4th August, 2009, Govt. has said
that, statistics of Employment of Minority Community persons,
including Muslims, in the Central Government Services is not
maintained on the basis of particular religion, but for all the five
minorities as a whole.
The number of persons belonging to the
minority communities recruited during last three years in the
various Ministries/Departments and their organisations are given
2006-07 - 12,182 minority persons (6.95%
of the total recruited)
2007-08 - 12,195 minority persons (8.65%
of the total recruited)
2008-09 - 4,479
As per information published on 6th
August 2009, the minority share in 2008-09 has risen in PSUs and
Central Ministries and Departments, but it has dipped in public
sector banks and financial institutions. The recruitment of
minorities in Banks and Financial Institutions last year was 8.86%,
down from 10.19% in 2007-08. While in Central
Ministries/Departments it was 9.42% increased from previous year.
In PSU, 7.56% minorities were recruited.
Unfortunately, the percentage of
minority candidates being selected/recruited in various State
departments is still 2-3% (e.g. in Maharashtra Police Services).
However, Ministry of Railways has
recently declared that the forthcoming recruitment exams will be
conducted in regional languages and Urdu, definitely it will help to
improve the representation of Muslims in Railways, likewise Staff
Selection Exams, Defence Services Exams, Banking Services Exams,
Police Recruitment Exams and other State competitive exams must also
be conducted in the regional as well as Urdu languages.
8) Upgradation of Skills through
technical training: Establishment of New ITIs and their
upgradation into Centres of Excellence.
As per the targets envisaged under the
P.M's 15 point program i.e. 15% of benefits/targets should be
earmarked for minorities, Accordingly 60 ITIs out of 400 ITIs
proposed for the upgradation under the project have been identified
in the Minority Concentrated Districts (MCDs). Hence the physical
targets are fully (100%) achieved.
But, the number of minority candidates
getting benefited from these centers for upgradation of their skills
is not reported by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, vide its
letter dated 8th May 2009 addressed to the Ministry of Minority
Further, Directorate General of
Employment and Training, New Delhi has launched a Modular Employable
Skills (MES) under Skill Development Initiative Scheme and it is
also implementing Craftsman Training Scheme through ITIs/ITCs. But
unfortunately, 15% target for minorities are not earmarked for
minorities in these schemes although it is the focused activity in
P.M's 15 Point Program.
9) Enhanced Credit Support for
Economic Activities: All public sector banks have been directed
to open more branches in districts having a substantial minority
population. In 2007-08, 523 and in 2008-09 524 branches were opened
in such districts.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) have revised
the Master Circular on priority sector lending on 5th July' 2007.
Public Sector banks have been directed to step up lending to
minorities from 9% to 15% over the next three years i.e. 2007-08 to
2009-10. Rs. 58,662.67 crores of priority sectors lending, which
was 9.67% of total priority sector lending, was disbursed to
minorities in 2007-08. The target for 2008-09 was 13.00% of the
total with an amount of Rs. 86,774 Cr. out of which Rs. 82,864 Cr.
were provided to minorities under priority sector lending during
Lead Banks are advised to earmark 15%
targets for minorities in District Credit Plans. District
Consultative Committees (DCCs) of Lead Banks have been directed to
regularly monitor disposal and rejection of loan applications from
In pursuance of the RBI's circular dated
1st July 2009, each Bank must create a special cell for minorities
headed by an officer of the rank of DGM or AGM, functioning as a
'Nodal Officer'. In each Minority Concentrated District, each lead
bank must have an officer to look after the problems regarding the
credit flow to minorities exclusively.
A wide publicity of various program of
Bank Credit and preparing suitable new schemes for minorities is
10) Improving the conditions of
living of Minorities:
Indira Awas Yojana (IAY):
Under IAY, 14,236 BPL families belonging to the minorities were
assisted for construction of pucca houses against the 2.3 lakh units
earmarked for minorities in 2006-07 (6.18% achievement). During
2007-08, out of the 3.19 lakh dwelling units earmarked for
minorities, 1.55 lakh units (48.58%) were constructed for
minorities. Whereas in 2008-09, 3.19 lakh housing units were
earmarked for minorities out of which 1.75 lakh dwelling units were
constructed (54.85% achievement).
Providing houses to the poorest has a
positive impact on citizen’s physical and mental health. Once, the
basic need of housing is fulfilled, citizens develop a sense of
opportunity for livelihood, for improving living conditions and for
continuing children's education. Hence, IAY Scheme must be
implemented in total for the targeted minorities.
11) Improvement in conditions of
Slums inhabited by minorities
Integrated Housing and Slum Development
Program (IHSDP); Basic Services for Urban Poor (BSUP) and Jawaharlal
Nehru National Urban Renovation Mission (JNNURM).
34.98% of project cost for BSUP and
17.8% of project cost for IHSDP approved for cities/towns with
substantial minority population. Under IHSDP, total 14.41 lakh
houses are sanctioned during 2008-09, 1289 projects with an outlay
of Rs. 33,652.29 Cr. It's 15% means 2.16 lakh houses must have been
sanctioned for minorities.
Under Urban Infrastructure Development
Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT), additional central
assistance of Rs. 1,602.2 Cr. has been sanctioned for 69 towns
having substantial minority population, out of which Rs. 659.37 Cr.
was released in 2008-09. (Information given by Hon'ble Minister for
Minority Affairs, in Rajya Sabha in a written reply on 4th August,
2009). while Ministry of Urban Development Annual Report 2008-09
mentions that, in respect of 251 identified Minority Concentration
Towns, 100 projects with project cost of Rs. 2,528.57 Cr. have been
covered under UIDSSMT and Rs. 1,228.55 crore of ACA has been
Recently in October, 2009, new schemes
like National Rural Drinking Water Program (NRDWP), Urban
Infrastructure and Governance (UIG) are approved by the Indian
Government that would provide better drinking and infrastructure
facilities in minority concentrated areas.
Dr. M.A. Baseer is
at Yeshwant
Mahavidyalaya, Nanded-431602