Bus number AP9 TA 0638 is quite unique compared to its counterparts.
It’s not about the numerological connotation but about the kind of
work the vehicle is involved in.
While other buses are busy transporting people, this
one is involved in imparting knowledge. A noble idea of educating
underprivileged and street-children struck T L Reddy and hence the
‘School on Wheels’ started rolling.
School on Wheels is a first of its kind project in
the State taken up by T L Reddy where street-children are educated
on a mobile bus.
T L Reddy, Director, School on Wheels, says that the
programme is aimed at child beggars as well as street-children who
don’t have access to primary education. “We tried to get these kids
to join government schools but for various reasons it did not
materialise. Hence, we came up with an idea of an accessible school
for underprivileged children.” Launched in 2008, presently the bus
travels to a few areas in Kukatpally limits and educates around 100
children of various age groups. An egg and a banana are also
provided to the children. Each batch of children is taught for three
hours after which the bus heads to another location.
A teacher himself and a recipient of several awards,
T L Reddy says, “My main intention is to provide basic education to
these children and prepare them to join government schools at a
later stage. We have a staff of two teachers who teach Math,
languages and other subjects according to the age group of the
students.” The bus is decked up to look like a real school. There is
a TV and DVD provision inside the bus where educational movies are
screened regularly for the students. Various games material and
clean drinking water are also available inside the bus. The children
have been given school uniforms to get a feel of the school
“I have a lot of people to thank for having supported
me in this mission. These include David Rowe of Friends of Christ
Society in India who have donated the bus. Rotary Club of Jubilee
Hills has been donating the daal and rice to the students and Niraj
Public School has provided us with the all-important teachers.”
Reddy plans to extend this programme to other parts of the city
soon. Reddy shares that since he had a very tough childhood and
studied under similar conditions, he understands the problems of
street-children better.
Reddy asserts that he is just implementing what the
Constitution says: “Free and compulsory education for all."