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Dr. Omar Khalidi - a prolific writer who always stood for justice is no more

Tuesday November 30, 2010 07:26:21 PM, Team

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Ace scholar Dr. Omar Khalidi dies in an accident

Dr. Omar Khalidi, a great scholar and the man who articulated the voice of the Indian Muslims during some of their darkest hours died in an accident November 29. He died at 11:15 AM, November 29, in      »

CIM mourns the death of Indian Muslim Scholar Dr Omar Khalidi

Muslims in India and abroad mourn the death of Dr. Omar Khalidi

Malegaon: Dr. Omar Khalidi who died in an accident in the United States November 29 was known for articulating the voice of the Indian Muslims during some of their darkest hours. He was a prolific writer and a champion of human rights for minorities.


He authored several books on Indian Muslims including historic and pathbreaking book 'KHAKI AND ETHNIC VIOLENCE IN INDIA: Armed Forces, Police and Paramilitary During Communal Riots.'


He was known for his commitment to the cause of justice and fairness for Indian Muslims.


Dr Khalidi, who was living in Boston after migrating to United Sates, died in an accident November 29.


Dr. Khalid's published work include:

  1. A Report on the Status of Urdu Literacy in India, 2010,”  
  2. Handmaidens of Hindutva” Published on, The New Indian Express and Outlook India, India Abroad, and
  3. Disrespect for Religion in Demolition 
  4. Crescent Obscured: Indian Muslims in Britain,”
  5.  Why the Islamic Center Should Get a Green Light,
  6. No Room for Extremist Hate in Waltham
  7. Indian Muslims Waqfs in Palestine Shorter version as, “Indian Muslims and Palestinian Awqaf,” Jerusalem Quarterly   40 (Winter 2009-10):52-58.
  8.  Auditing Aligarh Muslim University Faculty: Lock Over Research in Talagarh
  9. Khaki and Ethnic Violence in India, revised, updated edition, New Delhi: Three Essays Collective, 2010. Reviewed by Ahmad Faruqui, Dawn (Karachi 15 March 2010) on Op Ed page.
  10. Muslim Experience of Indian Democracy,” pp. 163-188, in Islam and Democratization in Asia, edited by Shiping Hua, (Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2009).
  11. Not Relevant Indians,” Outlook India (November 10, 2009)
  12. Muslim Print Journalism in India A Review and  Suggestions for Improvement 
  13.  Haj Hijacked, The Hindu (October 4, 2009) on Open Page
  14. Sacred Journey: Sinful Passengers, Hajj Scams in India 
  15. “Hindu By Default: Inflating Religious Majority in India” Journal of South Asian & Middle Eastern Studies  32, 3 (Spring 2009):1-20.
  16. “Hinduising India: Secularism in Practice," Third World Quarterly 29, 8 (December 2008): 145-1562. Urdu translation in Mutaaleaat 4, 2 (April-June 2009): 35-60.
  17. Why India is not a Secular State,” Outlook India 29 January 2009
  18. Entrepreneurs from Outside the Traditional Mercantile Communities: Muslims in India’s Private Sector,” Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 31, 2 (Winter 2008): 13-42.
  19. Scheduled for Recruitment? Hindustan Times 03 March 2007
  20. “Politics of Official Language Status for Urdu in India,” Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 28, 3 (Spring 2004): 53-77.
  21. “Muslim Ministers in the State Cabinets: The Case of Bihar, 1947-2003,” Radiance 4-10 January 2004: 10-12.
  22. “Indian Muslim Society and Economy,” Oriente Moderno 23, 1 (2004): 177-202
  23. “Muslim” Ministers in the State Cabinets: The Case of  U.P., 1947-2003,” Radiance 7-13 September 2003: 14-16.
  24. “Mawlana Mawdudi and the Future Political Order in British India,” The Muslim World 93, 3&4 (July-October 2003): 415-48. Urdu translation in Abulala Mawdudi: Ilmi wa Fikri Mutalaa, pp. 389-410, edited by Rafiuddin Hashimi and Salim Mansur Khalid, (Lahore: Idarah-yi Maarif-i Islami, 2006.
  25. “Slices of Iran in the Subcontinent,”Indo-Iranica 56, 1-4 (March-December 2003): 115-118; Radiance 13-19 July 2003:17-18.
  26. “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives,” Radiance 9-15 February 2003: 21;  Milli Gazette 16-31 July 2003:17.
  27. “Muslim” Ministers in the State Cabinets: The Case of Maharashtra,” Radiance 15-21 September 2002: 10-11.
  28. “Maulana Mawdudi and Hyderabad,” Islamic Studies 41, 1 (Spring 2002): 35-68.
  29. “Ethnic Group Recruitment in the Indian Armed Forces The Contrasting Cases of Sikhs, Muslims, Gurkhas and Others,” Pacific Affairs 74, 4 (Winter 2001-2002): 529-552.
  30. “Gurkhas Overseas: Mercenaries or Legitimate Soldiers,” Weekly Independent (Lahore) 13-19 December 2001; and the electronic edition.
  31. “Gaon-wale: The Forgotten Majority of the Indian Muslim Minority,” Radiance (18-24 November 2001)
  32. “Muslim Ministers in the State Cabinets: The Cases of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh (1956-2000): Radiance 16-27 October 2001): 16-17.
  33. “A Solution for Kashmir,” The Boston Globe (25 October 2001): A;15. Letter to the editor.
  34. Begum Qudsiya Aizaz Rasool: An Extraordinary Career,” Radiance 9-15 December 2001: 15-17.
  35. “Modern Education of Indian Muslims.” Millli Gazette (1-5 June 2001): 10. Interview with Dr M.N. Qureshi.
  36. “Muslim Ministers in the Union Cabinet: Half a Century of Distrust or Lack of Power,” Radiance 11-17 February 2001): 14-15.
  37. “Unbounded Love for Jerusalem,” Islamic Horizons (January-February 2001):56.
  38. “East Punjab Muslims: After the Flames of 1947,” Radiance (28 January-3 February 2001): 15-17.; The News on Sunday  (Islamabad, Sunday 11 February 2001): 26; Dawn
  39. “Sikhs: Approaching Nationhood?” The News (Islamabad, Sunday 25 February 2001): 26.
  40. “Other Backward Classes (OBCs) Among Muslims: Who Are They? What Do They Want?” Journal of the Henry Martyn Institute 20/1 (January-June 2001): 4-20.
  41. “Desperately Seeking Role Models for Indian Muslim Youth,” Radiance (3-9 September 2000): 17-18.
  42. “Azim Premji: Rise of New Muslim Businessmen or False Dawn,” Radiance 12-18 March 2000, p. 20-21; AFMI News Brief 9/5 (November-December 1999):8; AFMI Convention Souvenir (October 1999):17.
  43. “The Muslim Discrimination is a Fantasy,” Indian Express  (25 August 1999): 1; other versions are in Radiance 3-9 October 1999, p. 10-11; The Hindu 7 December 1999, p. 21; AFMI News Brief 9/5 (November-December 1999):7.
  44. “Hope for Peace in India,” Christian Science Monitor (29 July 1999): 8. Letter to the editor on a feature on Dilip Kumar.
  45. “International Concern for Minorities: The Contrasting Case of Muslims and Christians in India,” Islamic Horizons 28, no. 4  (July-August 1999): 56; Radiance (23-29 May 1999): 12-13.
  46. “Political Representation of Minorities: The Contrasting Case of Muslims and SCs”, Radiance (9-15 May 1999): 9-11; AFMI New Brief 9, 3 (April-May 1999):9.
  47. “Hyderabad: Fifty Years After the Fall,” several versions, Dawn (Karachi), Islamic Horizons 27, no. 6 November-December 1998): 14-23; Arab News Jeddah)  17 September 1998: 9;  and Radiance (New Delhi); Journal of Islamic History (New Delhi) II/3-4 (1997): 571-78,
  48. “Sardar Patel and Indian Muslims,”  Radiance  (12-18 July 1998): 19-20.
  49. “From Torrent to Trickle: Indian Muslim Migration to Pakistan, 1947-97,”  The Bulletin of the Henry Martyn Institute of Islamic Studies 16, no. 1 & 2 (January-June 1997): 32-45; and in Islamic Studies 37, no. 3  (Autumn 1998): 339-52.
  50. Indian Muslims Since Independence, (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1996, 1995)
  51. “Lotus and the Crescent: Hindus in the Islamic Lands”,  Journal Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs 14, nos. 1& 2 (January-July 1993): 85-93
  52. “Musalmanan e Hind ke Masaail ka Hal aur Rawshan Mustaqbal ke Liye Chand Tajawiz, (Hyderabad, 1993); Rahnuma-I Dakan 13 December 1993
  53. “Kashmir and Muslim Politics in India,” pp. 276-84, in Perspectives on Kashmir: The Roots of Conflict in South Asia, edited by Raju G.C. Thomas, (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1992); shorter version in Saudi Gazette (8 June 1992): 9.
  54. “Muslim Minorities: Theory and Experience of Muslim Interaction in Non-Muslim Societies,” Journal Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs 10, no. 2 (July 1989): 425-37.
  55. With Theodore P. Wright, Jr., “ Majority Hindu Images, Stereotypes and Demands of the Minority in India: The Backlash,” Journal Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs 12, 2 (July 1990): 321-354.
  56. “Urdu Language and the Future of Muslim Identity in India,” Journal Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs 7, 2 (July 1986): 395-403.


  1. Waqayi'-i Musafirat-i Navvab Mustatab Ashraf Arfa' Wala Mir Layiq 'Ali Khan 'Imad al-Saltanah Sir Salar Jang (K.C.I.E.) bisub-i farangistan, Edited by Omar Khalidi and Sunil Sharma, Tehran: Nashr-i Tarikh-i Iran, 2008. This book is a travelogue of Europe by Salar Jang II, Mir Layiq Ali Khan in the nineteenth century.
  2. “Indian Muslims and Palestinian Awqaf,” Jerusalem Quarterly 40 (Winter 2009-2010):5-58.
  3. Muslims in the Deccan: A Historical Survey, (New Delhi: Global Media, 2006). Reviewed in The Telegraph (03 March 2006)
  4. “Business Rajas: The Gujaratis, Gosains, and the Marwaris of Hyderabad,” Deccan Studies (January-June 2006): 49-79.
  5. “Sayyids of Hadramawt in India,” Asian Journal of Social Science 32, 3 (2004): 329-352; Arabic translation by AbuBakr Baqadir, in al-Masar (Virginia) 3:2 (2002): 59-74. 
  6. “Col. Shafaat Ali: Witness to an Unknown War,” The Milli Gazette (1-15 December 2005): 10.
  7. “The Rifai Sufi Order and the Faqirs in India,” Hamdard  Islamicus 25, 2 (April-June 2002): 71-78.
  8. “The Rise and Fall of a Muslim Militia: The Rizakars of Hyderabad, 1940-1950,” Journal of the Henry Martyn Institute (January-June 2002):3-26. Also in Quarterly Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society 52, 2 (April-June 2004): 3-23.
  9. Suqut  e Haydarabad, co-edited with Muinuddin Aqil, (Hyderabad: Majlis e Taamir e Millat, & Karachi: Bahadur Yar Jang Academy, 1998)
  10. “Armenian Diaspora in India: The Case of the Deccan,” Islamic Culture LXXI, no. 2 (April 1997): 77-88.
  11. “The Hadhrami Role in the Politics and Society of Colonial India, 1750s-1950s,”  pp. 67-81, in Hadhrami Traders, Scholars and Statesmen in the Indian Ocean, 1750s-1960s, edited by Ulrike Freitag & William G. Clarence-Smith, (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997).  Arabic version /translation in Majallat Dirasat al-Khalij wa al-Jazirat al-Arabiyya  11, no. 45 (January 1986): 135-69.
  12. “An Introduction to the Study of Conversion to Islam in India,” Muslim World Book Reviews 14, no. 4 (1994): 47-62. 
  13. “The Pathans in the Deccan: An Introduction,” Islam and the Modern Age 22, no. 3 (August 1991): 214-29.
  14. “The Shi’ites of the Deccan: An Introduction,”  Rivista degli Studi Orientali LXIV, no. 1-2 (1990): 5-16; and al-Tawhid (Tehran, 9, no. 2 (November 1991-January 1992): 163-75; Hamdard Islamicus 15, no. 4 (Winter 1992): 31-52.
  15. “African Diaspora in India: The Case of the Habashis of the Dakan,” Hamdard Islamicus . 4 (Winter 1988): 3-22.
  16. Hyderabad: After the Fall, (Wichita, KS: Hyderabad Historical Society, 1988). Reviewed in Akhbar-i Jahan  (London 21 May 1989); Asian Affairs 21, 1 (February 1990): 85-86; Bulletin of School of Oriental & African Studies 52, 3 (1989): 588-89; Dawn (14 April 1989); The Hindu (31 January 1989); Impact International (28 July-August 11, 1989): 17; Message 13, 5 (October 1989), p. 37;  Minaret  11, 1 (Winter 1990): 58-59;  Nida-yi Millat 44, 4 (12 November 1989), p. 10; Siyasat (21 May 1989); South Asia 11, 2 (December 1988): 137-140.


  1. With Margit Franz, “Karl Malte von Heinz: Austrian Architect in India,” Architecture & Interiors 23 (2009): 92-95.
  2. “Armenians in Mughal Delhi,” Journal of the Society of Armenian Studies 15 (2006): 147-157.
  3. The British Residency in Hyderabad: An Outpost of the Raj, (London: British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia, 2005)
  4. “Immediately Apparent Splendor: Osmania University Campus Design and Architecture,” Islamic Culture 76, 2 (April 2002): 149-197.
  5. “Gosha Mahal Baradari and the Freemasons’ Lodge,” Channel 6: The Twin Cities Magazine 11/8 (March 2001):23-25.
  6. “Abid Road ka Abid,” Siyasat July 7, 1999: 4; “The Amazing Abid of Hyderabad and Devon,” Devon & Cornwall Notes and Queries  (Autumn 1999): 161-68.
  7. Romance of the Golconda Diamonds, (Ahmedabad: Mapin Publishing Private Ltd., 1999)
  8. “Ottoman Royal Family in Hyderabad, Deccan,” Hamdard Islamicus 21, no. 3 (July-September 1998): 77-85; Quarterly Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society XLVI, no. 3 (July-September 1998): 89-97.  Illustrated Turkish version, “Hindistan’da Osmanli Sultanlari,” Toplumsal Tarih 124 (Nisan 2004): 14-23; shorter version with Cecil Beaton portrait as “Caliph’s Daughter,” Cornucopia 5, 31 (2004): 34-36; Urdu translation in
  9. Mutalaat 3, 4 (October-December 2008): 107-118.
  10. “Memoirs of Gen El-Edroos of Hyderabad,” Quarterly Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society XLII, part II (April 1994): 182-213.
  11. Memoirs of Sidney Cotton, (Watertown, MA: Hyderabad Historical Society, 1994)
  12. Memoirs of Cyril Jones: People, Society and Railways in Hyderabad, (New Delhi: Manohar, 1991)







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