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Rate of progress of Muslims in India below the national average: Experts
When it comes to benefits of Government policies and programs reaching Muslims, there is an urgent need for systemic improvement, they observe
Wednesday February 25, 2015 10:18 PM, News Network

The rate of progress of Muslims in India was below the national average in the past decade according to the analysis of data available from the Government and other field surveys, observed a group of experts while participating in a debate aired on Rajya Sabha TV.

Muslims in India

The panelists including Dr. Abusaleh Shariff, Prof. Amitabh Kundu and other guests also observed that there is an urgent need for a systemic improvement in government policies and programs so that they effectively reach to Muslims.

"Looking at the outcome indicators such as education, literacy, work participation rates, food security and immunization rates, Muslims fall below India's national average line. And when it comes to benefits of the Government policies and programs reaching Muslims there is an urgent need for systemic improvement", Dr. Abusaleh Shariff, Chief Scholar, US-India Policy Institute (USIPI) Washington DC, observed.

"India is making progress and the whole world knows about its growth story. Muslims are part of India's growth story and they are benefiting from it. But, the rate of progress is the lowest for Muslims when compared to all other communities and this is a big question! If this slow rate of growth continues, inequality will increase and Muslims will be left behind and become the neo-Dalits of India in another 10 years", he added.

Prof. Amitabh Kund, who chaired the recently submitted Post Sachar Evaluation Committee Report, said that the condition of Rural Muslims from 2006-07 to 2011-12, has improved but when compared to the average, improvement among Muslims is much lower.

"Muslims are slightly better off than SC/ST's in Rural areas owing to their predominantly non-agricultural occupations, but they are almost 10% points below the rural average", he observed.

"If we compare the consumption expenditure per capita for Urban areas from 2006-07 to 2011-12, we find that the improvement among Muslims was the lowest compared to other socio-religious communities.

"Muslims fall at the bottom of the heap and face exclusion in urban housing and labor markets. Government must pay attention to the policy recommendations made by the experts", he said.

The panel also contradicted claims made in a section of news media that the Post Sachar Evaluation Committee (PSEC) did an incomplete analysis or that it did not compare all other minorities.

"On the contrary, the experts claimed the PSEC committee analyzed all available data from the Government as well as independent surveys and compared all socio-religious communities in its final analysis", they said.


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