New Delhi: Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD), an ally of the BJP led NDA in New Delhi Saturday termed the lynching of 50-year-old Muslim man in Dadri, Greater Noida as a 'shame' for the country and said what happened after that was 'damaging for thw nation and personally Prime Minister Modi'.
"It was shameful. It was a shame for the nation and it should be condemned in strongest possible terms", SAD MP Naresh Gujral said.
"What happened after the lynching incident in UP is damaging the NDA, the BJP and damaging the Prime Minister more than anybody else", he added.
Gujral also slammed the government's inaction after the incident.
"It's high time now that the BJP leadership takes action against at least one such person so that there is some kind of sanity back in national affairs," Gujral said.
On September 28, Mohammad Akhlaq, 50-year-old Muslim of Dadri and father of Corporal Sartaj, an egineer with the Indian Air Force, was beaten to death after rumours spread that he had eaten beef. Forensic reports however later confirmed that the meat Akhlaque had in his house was of mutton, not cow.
Coming a week after Prime Minister Modi described the Dadri incident as "sad" but said "centre can not be held responsible", Gujral's statement is important and hints at the dissatisfaction of what the prime minister had said.
As the Dadri lynching is still grabbing media highlights and concerns are raised from different national and international forums, another Muslim man, this time 20-year-old Noman Akhter, was allegedly beaten to death in Himachal Pradesh on Wednesday on allegations that he was part of a 'cow smuggling' gang.