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Iranian regime represents 'tip of the spear' of global terrorism: King Salman at Riyadh summit

Sunday May 21, 2017 11:39 PM, & Agencies

King Salman

Iran’s ruling powers represent the “tip of the spear” of global terrorism, Saudi King Salman said in a speech on Sunday during a visit of US President Donald Trump to the kingdom who in turn acknowledged that majority of victims of terror attacks are Muslims.

“Our responsibility before God and our people and the whole world is to stand united to fight the forces of evil and extremism wherever they are ... The Iranian regime represents the tip of the spear of global terrorism.”

The king also said in a televised speech that Saudi Arabia would not be lenient in trying anyone who finances terrorism.

“We will never be lenient in trying anyone who finances terrorism, in any way or means, to the full force of the law", he said.

While addressing the Arab Islamic American Summit attended by more than 50 state heads, US President Donald Trump said that majority of victims of terrorist attacks are Arabs and Muslims.

"The overwhelming majority of victims of terrorist attacks are the "innocent people of the Arab, Muslim and Middle Eastern nations" Trump said while addressing the Riyadh summit attended by more than 50 leaders of the Arab and Muslim world.

Speaking at summit in Riyadh, Trump said that "95 percent of the victims of terrorist attacks are themselves Muslims."

He said that terrorism must not only be measured by the number of dead, but the number of "vanished dreams."

Trump said the U.S. seeks a "coalition of nations" in the Middle East with the aim of "stamping out extremism."

"Our goal is a coalition of nations who share the aim of stamping out extremism and providing our children a hopeful future that does honor to God", he said.

"We can only overcome this evil if the forces of good are united and strong – and if everyone in this room does their fair share and fulfills their part of the burden.

"Terrorism has spread across the world. But the path to peace begins right here, on this ancient soil, in this sacred land.

"America is prepared to stand with you – in pursuit of shared interests and common security", Trump said.

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