Mumbai: Stressing that Muslims are more convinced than ever that they are being made second-class citizens under some sinister plan to create a Hindu Rashtra, Columnist Tavleen Singh on Sunday said it was Prime Minister Modi's big mistake to allow the Hindutva fanatics in his flock to wander about killing Muslims in the name of saving cows.
"He remained silent every time there was a new lynching and this the killers took as license. He has spoken against Hindutva killers only twice and both times because they attacked Dalits. So today Muslims are more convinced than ever that they are being made second-class citizens under some sinister plan to create a Hindu Rashtra", Singh, who has been an admirer of Prime Minister Modi, wrote in an article published by The Indian Express.
Tavleen Singh also said that Modi missed an opportunity to prove his critics, who claimed that Muslims will be terrorised under his rule, wrong.
"Had he spoken up when the first Muslim was killed in the name of beef three years ago, there would have been no more killings and the cowardly mobs that wander about videotaping their hideous hate crimes would have dispersed long ago", she wrote.
"Under the governments run by our ‘secular’ opposition leaders there have been terrible riots after which when the dead were counted the majority of bodies were almost always Muslims. But, when the riot ended, everyone went back to being tailors, carpenters, electricians or whatever else they were and life went back to normal. Something much more insidious happens when there are hate crimes instead of riots. A climate gets created in which permanently lurks the possibility of violence. This has happened in Muslim communities across India and since this is not something that can be contained, it has seeped into the general atmosphere", she wrote.
"It is not an atmosphere in which you can speak glibly about the ease of doing business and things like that, so it is no surprise that the boom we all hoped for remains elusive. The Prime Minister likes to boast that it is much easier to do business in India now than it ever was. This is not true", Tavleen Singh wrote.
"If it was, then there should by now have been huge investments in new projects from private investors. It is when private investment begins to happen that millions of jobs will get created and the economy will start to boom. Most problems of caste and creed, hatred and violence will vanish if this ever happens", she said.
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