Mumbai: Veteran Bollywood actor Mohammed Yusuf Khan, world-famous as Dilip Kumar, passed away here in the early hours of Wednesday, his family and aides said.
"With a heavy heart and profound grief, I announce the passing away of our beloved Dilip Saab a few minutes ago. We are from God and to Him we return," said the thespian's longtime aide Faisal Farooqui in a tweet at daybreak.
Farooqui said that the grief-struck family is discussing the funeral modalities and the last rites are likely to be held at the Juhu Muslim Cemetery in Santacruz west, around 5 p.m. this evening.
Around 9.30 a.m., an ambulance carrying Dilip Kumar's body left for his home in Bandra west, with his wife of 55-years Saira Banu Khan accompanying along with some family members.
Dilip Kumar had been admitted to the P.D. Hinduja Hospital on June 30 for a variety of age-related health issues.
His wife Saira Banu Khan had earlier tweeted about his improving medical condition. But that was a short-lived glimmer of hope and he passed away around dawn on Wednesday.
Dilip Kumar had been admitted to the P.D. Hinduja Hospital first in June first week, later on June 30, for a variety of age-related health issues.
His wife Saira Banu Khan had earlier tweeted about his improving medical condition. But that was a shortlived glimmer of hope.
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