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No relief to Hijab wearing students from Karnataka HC yet

Students should wear uniform prescribed by the schools and colleges until the final verdict in the case: Karnataka HC

Wednesday February 23, 2022 10:52 PM, IANS

Karnataka HC Hearing on Hijab Petition

Bengaluru: The Karnataka High Court bench, hearing the hijab matter, on Wednesday, made it clear that the students should wear uniform prescribed by the schools and colleges until the final verdict in the case.

Chief Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi, who heads the three-judge bench, reiterated: "We are making it very clear that whether a degree or PU College, if uniform is prescribed, that has to be followed until the verdict."

The bench, which also comprises Justice Krishna S. Dixit and J.M. Khazi, also made it clear that the interim order is directed towards students only.

Also Read | Karnataka students wearing Hijab likely to miss exams

Counsel, appearing for the students, said that the students are being sent out of institutions, citing the interim order, and teachers who are wearing head scarves are also being turned away and demanded that they should be heard on the issue.


However, Advocate General Prabhuling Navadgi submitted that the prayer of the petitioner has already been addressed and yet another petition is being filed in this regard.

However, the court clarified that if the uniform is prescribed by the PUC or degree colleges, it has to be worn.

The Hijab row which started from Udupi Pre-University Girls' College has become a crisis in the state, with students refusing to attend classes without Hijab and maintaining that they will wait until the final verdict is given.

The High Court had issued an interim order banning both Hijab and saffron shawls or scarves inside the classrooms, the agitation is ongoing.

The special bench is hearing the matter on a day-to-today basis and has asked all counsel to complete their submissions by this weekend.

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