Gadag (Karnataka): Karnataka Education Department on Thursday suspended a school headmaster in Gadag district for allegedly holding an essay writing competition on Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) for school students.
The suspended head master is identified as Abdul Munaaf Bijapur, of to Naagavi village Government Secondary School in Gadag taluk.
Additional Commissioner, Department of Public Instruction Sidramappa S. Biradara has issued the suspension order for the headmaster for holding the essay competition without any direction from the department or any government agency.
According to Education Department sources, the head master conducted the competition to 43 students of the school, and assured them of rewards. He had also distributed books titled "Mohammad for all" and "Only one Prophet" to the students.
The department had stated that suspension order had been issued as the headmaster had committed a mistake being in a position of responsibility and the allegations on him are proved prima facie in the inquiry.
Workers of Sri Rama Sene had protested in front of the school and questioned the headmaster for holding an essay competition on The Prophet. They had also alleged that religious fundamentalism is being forced upon school children and demanded the headmaster's suspension.
On the other hand, the headmaster, who has 28 years of experience in teaching and has been working in this school for the last three years, denied the allegations against him.
“Every month there are at least one or two events like this in the school. There were essay competitions on Kanaka Dasa, Purandara Dasa ,and other personalities too in the past. These essay competitions are held to introduce the students to these personalities and to help them improve their knowledge,” he said.
Defending his action, the headmaster also said, the school has maintained all the records of holding programmes related to Hindu personalities and others, and can produce them when needed.
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