New York: Human Rights Watch (HRW) blamed the Chinese government for a “systematic campaign of human rights violations” against Uighur Muslims in northwestern Xinjiang, an autonomous region in the country.
According to a 117-page report published over the weekend, the Chinese government conducted “mass arbitrary detention, torture and mistreatment” of Uighur Turks in the region.
The report is based on interviews with 58 former residents of Xinjiang, including former detainees and relatives of detainees, it said.
“Throughout the region, the Turkic Muslim population of 13 million is subjected to forced political indoctrination, collective punishment, restrictions on movement and communications, heightened religious restrictions and mass surveillance in violation of international human rights law,” it added.
“The Chinese government is committing human rights abuses in Xinjiang on a scale unseen in the country in decades,” China Director at HRW Sophie Richardson said, calling on the United Nations and concerned governments to impose sanctions on China in order to put an end to the repression in Xinjiang.
The report highlighted that the level of repression has increased “dramatically” since late 2016 and added that the Chinese authorities have stepped up the mass arbitrary detentions since then. It also said around a million Uighur Turks are thought to be held in education camps for using foreign communication tools such as WhatsApp.
They are also forced to learn Mandarin and sing praises of the Chinese Communist Party, according to the report. “Those who resist or are deemed to have failed to ‘learn’ are punished,” it said.
Stating that the control over religious practices was on unprecedented levels, the report said neighbors were encouraged to spy on each other by the authorities that have also subjected people in Xinjiang to pervasive and constant surveillance.
The report said families were separated with the campaign launched against the Uighur Turks and children were left without their parents in one country due to tightening of passport controls and border crossings.
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