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CA Topper Shahid Husen travelled 100 kms daily to attend preparatory classes

Shahid has got 84% marks in Financial Reporting, 82% in Strategic Financial Management and 81% marks in Indirect Tax Laws

Sunday January 27, 2019 4:01 PM, ummid.com News Network

CA Topper Shahid Husen

Koday (Gujarat): Shahid Husen Shokat Memon, who secured All India Rank 2 (AIR 2) in the Chartered Accountant (CA) Final November 2018 exams said he used to study for 10-12 hours and travel 100 kms on daily basis to attend preparatory classes.

“I come from a small village in the Kutch region of Gujarat. My father is into business. So, financially it was not very difficult for us. But the biggest challenge was to travel 100 kilometres on a daily basis for my preparatory classes for the CA Integrated Professional Competence Course examination,” Shahid said in an interview after cracking the coveted exam.

Shahid has scored 584 out of the total 800 marks. His marksheet also gives an impressive look. He has got 84% marks in Financial Reporting, 82% in Strategic Financial Management and 81% marks in Indirect Tax Laws.

Interestingly, Shahid had to travel 10 kilometres a day to his alma mater, St Xavier’s School also as a school student.

Coming from a family of businessmen, Shahid loved to study Commerce. So, when he decided to chose CA as his career, he got full support from his family members.

“When I took the decision of cracking the CA exam, I gave my 100 per cent for the preparation and left the rest to the almighty. I believed that since I had put in my best, my result would also be good", he said.

To students who aspire to become a Chartered Accountant, Shahid advised that they should concentrate on consistency.

"I studied consistently and with proper planning for almost 10-12 hours daily in the last 5 to 6 months. I advise the same to the students who are appearing for the CA exams", Shahid said.

"A student needs to follow a consistent routine because it's next to impossible to cover everything before the day of the exam", the CA Topper 2018 said.

The CA Final Novmebr 2018 All India Rank 1 was secured by Shadab Hussain of Kota, Rajasthan.

The ICAI CA Final and Foundation 2018 results were declared on January 23, 2019. They can be accessed on icaiexam.icai.org, icai.nic.in and caresults.icai.org. To get the result via SMS, type "CAINTER (space) 06 Digit Roll No." eg. "CAINTER 889900" and send it to 58888.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has also released simultaneously the All India Merit List.

How to Check CA Final, CA Foundation Results

Follow the steps shown below to check your result.

  1. Click here to go to the official website: icaiexam.icai.org.
  2. Click on the appropriate link.
  3. Login using Roll No and Pin or Registration No.
  4. Enter the code as shown.
  5. Click on Check Result button.

The CA Final November 2018 and CA Foundation November 2018 results were announced on the official web around afternoon on Wednesday.

The All India Merit List of candidates securing a minimum of 55 per cent and above marks and up to the maximum of 50th Rank on all India basis have also been made available on the above website.

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