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SpaceX to build Deorbit Vehicle to usher International Space Station to its doom

The US space agency NASA has awarded $843 mn contract to Elon Musk owned SpaceX to build a unique Deorbit Vehicle to usher the International Space Station (ISS) to its doom.

Saturday June 29, 2024 0:15 AM, News Network

SpaceX to build Deorbit Vehicle to usher International Space Station to its doom

Washington: The US space agency NASA has awarded $843 mn contract to Elon Musk owned SpaceX to build a unique Deorbit Vehicle to usher the International Space Station (ISS) to its doom.

“Selecting a U.S. Deorbit Vehicle for the International Space Station will help NASA and its international partners ensure a safe and responsible transition in low Earth orbit at the end of station operations", NASA said.

"This decision also supports NASA’s plans for future commercial destinations and allows for the continued use of space near Earth,” said Ken Bowersox, associate administrator for Space Operations Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

“The orbital laboratory remains a blueprint for science, exploration, and partnerships in space for the benefit of all", Ken said

The single-award contract has a total potential value of $843 million. The launch service for the U.S. Deorbit Vehicle will be a future procurement, according to NASA.

Key Highlights

The International Space Station (ISS) ends its operational life in 2030.

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