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'Mohammad preaches Universal Brotherhood, Peace & Equality'


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Jamia organises cycle rally for ‘peace and pluralism’

Monday, February 15, 2010 05:42:53 PM, IANS

A rally with a secular message: A group of students from Jamia Millia Islamia will carry out a unique cycle rally from Pushkar in Rajasthan to New Delhi on a mission to "join hearts", or a Dilon Ko Jodo mission. .....Read Full

Hindus, Muslims to celebrate Prophet's birth anniversary

Mohammad came with Message of Universal Brotherhood, Peace and Equality'

New Delhi: After traversing over 440 km and spreading the message of “peace and pluralism”, a unique cycle rally organised by the Jamia Millia Islamia will end in Delhi Tuesday.

With the vision of “Dilon Ko Jodo”, the rally started from Lord Brahma’s Temple in Pushkar on Feb 6, paying homage at the tombs of Sufi Saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti at Ajmer, via Jaipur, to finally reach Jamia Millia Islami.


“It is a demonstration by students of Jamia of their commitment to national integration, peace and solidarity,” Jamia Vice-Chancellor Najeeb Jung said Monday.


At least 25 boys and girl students of the university drawn from all parts of India spread the University’s ideals of “peace, communal harmony and religious pluralism”.


The varsity said that these young ambassadors will be received by Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal and Minister of Minority Affairs Salman Khurshid.


Jamia is trying hard to shed its impression of a glorified madarssa and establish itself as a central university with global vision. Over 18,000 students students are pursuing education at Jamia currently.






















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