New Delhi: Terming the reports and messages circulating on WhatsApp and other social media platforms as fake, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Wednesday ruled out re-exam of either Physics or Economics papers of Class 12th board exam 2019.
"It has come to the notice of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) that a fake information regarding re-conduct of examination of Physics and Economics subjects of Class XII is being circualted on WhatsApp", Dr Sanyam Bhardwaj - Controller of Examinations, said in a advisory dated April 02, 2019.
"The date of this information is 28.03.2019 which has been signed by KK Choudhury, former Controller of Examiantions", he said.
"This is brought to the notice of all stakeholders that the news of re-conduct of Physics and Economics of Class XII are fake", he added.
"All stakeholders and public are requested not to give any heed to the rumours like the above said one and cooperate with the CBSE in the smooth and fair conduct of examinations", he said.
The CBSE 12th exam began on February 15, 2019. The last paper will be held on April 04. All papers were conducted in the morning session, from 10.30 am to 1:30 pm.
The CBSE had earlier released similar advisory when fake reports were circulated claiming that Accountancy, Chemistry, Geography, English, Mathematics and Science questions papers of Class XIIth board exam were leaked.
"The Board has located a number of uploads available on YouTube falsely claiming to have access to the original question papers of subjects in which examinations are yet to be conducted such as - Accountancy, Chemistry, Geography, English, Mathematics and Science of Class XIIth. The papers being shown on these sites have been scrutinized and 100% have been found to be fake", the CBSE said.
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