JAC Board Exam 2023: The Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) is set to release on its official website jac.jharkhand.gov.in soon Admit Card and Hall Ticket of the students appearing for the Jharkhand Board Secondary Matric Class 10 and Intermediate Class 12 Examinations to be held in the month of March/April 2023.
Students appearing for Jharkhand board 10th and 12th board exams should note that their admit cards will be published on the website. However, they cannot directly download. Instead, they need to contact their respective shools to collect them.
As per the schedule, exams for JAC Jharkhand Class Xth and Class XIIth both will begin on March 14, 2023. However, JAC 10th exams will end on April 03 whereas JAC 12th exams will continue till April 05, 2023.
1. Click here to go to the official website: jac.jharkhand.gov.in. 2. On right side-bar of the home page, click on "Secondary Exam Admit Card 2023". 3. Click on "School Log-in". 4. Enter log-in ID and Password to log-in. 5. Click on the relevant link to download the admit card.
After collecting the admit card from respective schools, students should check if their name, photo, school name, exam centre and other important details are correct and have no errors.
In case of any error or mis-print they should immediately report to the principal and exam in-charge.
Students should note that Admit Card, also known as Hall Ticket, is mandatory document to appear in the exams. In its absence or it carrying wrong information, students could be barred from appearing in the exam.
The exams will be held in morning and afternoon two sessions. Class 10 Secondary exams will be held in the morning session whereas 12th Inter will be held in forenoon session.
The timing of the morning session is from 09:45 am to 01:05 pm whereas the timing of forenoon session will be 02:00 pm to 05:20 pm.
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