New Delhi:
Maulana Syed Muhammed Wali Rahmani, Secretary of All India Muslim
Personal Board, has again emphatically reiterated that 100 per
cent religion is the basis for providing reservations.
He dared
the government to get a resolution on Muslim reservation passed in
the Parliament instead of playing with the issue.
Maulana Rahmani was delivering his inaugural speech at the
National Imam Convention for Muslim Reservation here on Tuesday.
“It is totally misleading to say that the constitution does not
allow reservation on the basis of religion. The reservation was
based on the religion when it was introduced for SCs, STs and
other Backward classes and even now when it is proposed for
Muslims”, the Maulana opined.
“The matter is clear and free from any ambiguity. If the
Government is really serious about granting reservation to Muslims
as it claims, then it should move a resolution and get it passed
in the Parliament”, he stressed.
To buttress his point, Maulana Rahmani recalled how to assuage the
apprehensions raised by few Labour Party Leaders in Britain,
Sardar Patel in the Constituent Assembly before independence
mooted the idea of reservation for Muslims.
“The concept of reservation when it was introduced initially was
for the Muslims to safeguard their interests in India after the
partition and it was mooted by Sardar Patel in the Constituent
Assembly in reply to the apprehensions raised by a Labour Party
leader in Britain”, he said.
However, he added: “After the Muslim leaders during those times
relying on the promises made by Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel
declined to accept the reservation for Muslims, it was introduced
for SCs, STs and other Backward classes.”
Arguing that the basis of the reservation in its present form is
also the religion, he said, “If a person from SC or ST converts
from Hinduism to Islam, he will not be eligible for reservation
unless he reconverts to his or her previous religion. This shows
that reservation even today is based on religion.”
Maulana Rahmani exhorted Imams to guide Ummah not only in
religious affairs but also worldly matters. For this they should
be well aware of the developments in the ever changing world so
that they could make Muslims aware through "Juma Khutba" (Friday
"Namaz Mein Nigah Sajdeh Ki Jagah Hona Chhahiye aur Namaz Ke Bahar
Nigah Duniya Par Hona Chhahiye", the Maulana remarked while
pointedly addressing the Imams from all over India. The Imams
should be "Bakhabar, Balandmartabat Aur Manzil Par Nazar Hona
Chhahiye", he quipped.
Earlier, Maulana Usman Baig, president All India Imams Council,
while delivering his presidential speech threw light in detail
over the role of Imams should have in society. The Imams should
not limit themselves in leading five time prayers in Masjids alone
but should broaden their vision to lead the Muslim Ummah to lead a
better life in the world Hereafter only but also in the present
world to lead a life of dignity. The All India Imam Council is a
platform wherein Imams will be made to recognize their role in
society and their responsibilities which they have towards the
Muslim Ummah as a whole. They will have to change their mindsets
and realize their own importance to transform the life of Muslim
in particular and common man at large.
Meanwhile, The National Imam Convention for Muslim Reservation in
its New Delhi Declaration has strongly demanded immediate
implementation of 10 per cent reservation to all Muslims in
Central Government services and educational institutions. The
convention also demanded that a quota reservation to Muslims be
declared in all states in proportion to the percentage of Muslim
population there.
This convention which represented all states of India declared
that the Ulema and Masjid Imams throughout the country will lead
the Muslim community in its democratic struggles till the demand
for reservation is fulfilled.
The findings of Sachchar Committee and recommendations of
Ranganath Misra Commission have together made it the
responsibility of the Central Government to declare reservation to
all Muslims at the national level, the New Delhi Declaration
pointed out.
The New Delhi Declaration noted that in Kerala and Karnataka all
Muslims without any distinction at present enjoy reservation both
in recruitment to state government services and also in admission
at all levels of education. There are no impediments in providing
reservation to Muslim community on the basis of their social and
educational backwardness. It is very unfortunate that certain
vested interest groups oppose the very idea of reservation to
Muslims raising certain flimsy arguments. And even secular and
backward class political parties adopt a lukewarm attitude to this
vital issue of social justice, the Declaration said.
Hafiz Manzoor Ali Khan, Rajasthan unit Vice President, read out
the New Delhi Declaration which was unanimously approved by the
assemblage through voice vote. Thereafter Hafiz Manzoor handed
over a copy of the New Delhi Declaration to Congress Member of
Parliament Oscar Fernandez to get it implemented by his UPA
Government. Later on he handed over a copy of the Declaration to
Samajwadi Party president Mulayam Singh Yadav to do his bit in
getting 10 per cent reservation to Muslims as recommended by the
Ranganath Misra Commission report
While four resolutions namely on Babri Masjid, bomb blasts in
India since 1992, 2011 Census and protection of Waqf properties
were passed on the occasion.
Mufti Muhammed Mukarrum Ahmed, Shahi Imam, Fatehpuri Masjid, who
was the chief guest on the occasion, inaugurated the website of
All India Imams Council.
Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav coming at the fag end of
the function recalled his apology to Muslims on Babri Masjid issue
and said he has never worked against the interests of Muslims. He
assured to work shoulder to shoulder with Muslims for their cause
in future also.
E. M. Abdurahman, Chairman - Popular Front of India, speaking on
the occasion said reservation is a social problem. Sachchar
Committee has rightly diagnosed the problem of Muslim community
and Ranganath Misra Commission has prescribed the remedy.
Reservation is not a favour or charity but a right which can be
achieved through continuous struggle and in this it is the
responsibility of Ulema and Imams to mobilize Muslim Ummah to
strive hard to get it. No right can be achieved without putting in
efforts and struggle for it, he added.
E. Abubacker, president, Social Democratic Party of India, said
Muslims are on the back-foot in every field and as such it is the
responsibility of Imams and Ulema to come forward to uplift the
Muslim Ummah from the quagmire of illiteracy, poverty and all
round backwardness.
“Hum Sablogon Ko Ab Tamashai Bankar Nahin Baithna Hai Balke Kam
Karne Ke Liye Aage Aana Hai Aur Qaum Ko Uska Huq Dilana Hai”,
Abubacker said.
The other guest speakers on the occasion were Oscar Fernandez, MP
(Congress Party); Dr. Zafarul Islam Khan; Editor–Milli Gazette;
and Izhar Masarrat Yazdani.
At the outset Hafiz Manzoor Ali Khan gave a brief introduction of
All India Imam council's activities. The vote of thanks was
proposed by Maulana Jameel Shahabi, general secretary–All India
Imams Council. Hafiz Asrar Falahi conducted the proceedings.