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South Asian Borlaug Institute to be established at Jabalpur in MP

Friday October 07, 2011 10:06:36 PM, Pervez Bari,

Bhopal: The South Asian Borlaug Institute is to be established at Jabalpur in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.

The international institute associated with Mexico-based institution will undertake research on wheat and maize crops.


It will also develop eco-friendly methods, which will stem increasing global warming, promote organic farming and will turn out to be a milestone of second green revolution.

The Memorandum of Understanding, (MoU), for the establishment of Borlaug institute was signed in the presence of Dr. Kusmaria by company's Director General Dr. Thomas A. Lumpkin and C.I.S.R's Director General Dr. Ayyappan.


The programme was presided over by the Union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar at Agriculture Science Complex I.C.A.R., New Delhi.


It was attended by C.G.I.A.R. Chairperson Dr. Sara Bautingham, Punjab's Agriculture Minister Suchcha Singh, former Director General of I.C.A.R. Dr. Paroda and several prominent agriculture scientists of the country.


According to Madhya Pradesh Agriculture Minister Dr. Kusmaria all possible efforts were undertaken to establish this institute in Madhya Pradesh.


The State Government has made 541 acre land available for it. Besides, other basic facilities including roads, light, telephone, internet connectivity and office are also being provided.


A sum of Rs. 80 lakh has been sanctioned for these works. At present, these facilities to the institute are being provided on the premises of Jawaharlal Nehru Agriculture University in Jabalpur.

It may be mentioned that untiring efforts are being made to make agriculture profitable as per wish of Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan. In this connection, Agriculture Minister Dr. Kusmaria is also busy in conveying his experiences to farmers.


It is the result of these efforts that Madhya Pradesh has received this gift. Scientists of Madhya Pradesh are enthusiastic over the state getting Borlaug Institute, which will be instrumental in making Dr. Kusmaria's efforts successful and will also try to find solutions to several challenges in the agriculture sector.








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