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CS Executive Dec 2021 result out; Rabab, Zohra, Sayyaf, Mahboob among toppers

Aditya Jain, Surbhi Shyamnsunder Soni and Divya Shekhawat have respectively secured the 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranks in the all India merit list of CS Eexecutive Programme Old Syllabus

Friday February 25, 2022 2:48 PM, ummid.com News Network

CS Executive Toppers Dec 2021

ICSI CS Executive Toppers 2021: Four Muslim candidates have figured in the Merit List of candidates who have emerged as toppers in CS Executive exam conducted by Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) in December 2021.

While two Muslim candidates - Ummay Rabab and Zohra Siddique, both girls, have found mention in CS Executive Merit List of New Syllabus, Sayyaf ebn Mohammed and Mahboob Gaddi have emerged toppers in CS Executive Old Syllabus.

According to the CS Executive Merit List released by ICSI Friday, Ummay Rabab and Zohra Siddique have respectively secured the 18th and 19th rank.

On the other hand, Sayyaf ebn Mohammed and Mahboob Gaddihave bagged the 7th and 9th ranks in old syllabus merit list.


CS Executive Toppers

Aditya Jain, Surbhi Shyamnsunder Soni and Divya Shekhawat have respectively secured the 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranks in the all India merit list of CS Eexecutive Programme Old Syllabus.

Chiraag Agarwal, S Swathi and Shubham Sunil Chordiya have respectively secured the 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranks in the all India merit list of CS Eexecutive Programme New Syllabus.

The merit list of new syllabus has included the names of 34 candidates for the top 25 positions whereas the merit list of old syllabus contained the names of 11 candidates for the top 10 ranks.

ICSI declared the CS Professional 2021 result at 11:00 am Friday Feb 25, 2022 and CS Executive result will be declared today at 02:00 pm.

Two Muslim candidates have figured in the Merit List of 21 candidates who have emerged as toppers in CS Professional exam conducted by Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) in December 2021.

Shruti Nagar has topped the December 2021 CS Professional exam securing the Rank 1 whereas Hari Haran bagged the second rank.

Three candidates - Jyoti Ashok Kumar Sah, Khushi Sanjay Mehta and Jay Jitendra Mehta, have jointly secured the 3rd Rank.

Steps to check ICSI CS Professional Dec 2021 Result

1. Click here to go to official website: icsi.examresults.net.
2. Select Examination.
3. Enter Roll Number.
4. Enter 17 digit Registration Number.
5. Click on Submit button.

Candidates should note that ICSI will result in online mode. No physical copy of marksheet will be provided to the candidates who appeared for CS Executive Programme. Candidates who appeared for Professional Programme will get physical copy of their result on the registered address.

“The Result-cum-Marks Statement for Professional Programme (Old and New Syllabus) Examination will be dispatched to the candidates at their registered address soon after declaration of the result. In case the physical copy of Result-cum-Marks Statement is not received by any candidate within 30 days of declaration of result, such candidates may contact the Institute at : exam@icsi.edu along with his/her particulars", the ICSI said.

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) had declared CS Foundation result of December 2021 on January 20, 2022. Three Muslims had figured in the CS Foundation Merit List.

Meanwhile, ICSI has also released the CS Executive and CS Professional exam 2022 dates. As per the time table released by ICSI, CS Executive and Professional exams will be conducted from June 1 to June 10, 2022.

Online application for June 2022 CS exams will begin on February 26.


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