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'Aligarh': Another Attempt to Institutionalise Dangerous Human Susceptibilities
Friday February 26, 2016 4:12 PM, Dr. Javed Jamil

I haven’t watched “Aligarh”, the movie in news, as I no longer watch movies. But I have read and heard about it. The previews and reviews are enough to tell that the movie is another attempt to institutionalise and globalise dangerous human susceptibilities. The debate is being centred on Morality Versus Freedom dilemma. The economic fundamentalists led by the merchants of human weaknesses have always been engaged in trying to prove that “freedom” is sacrosanct while “morality” is sin.

That this is being done in a world, which boasts of being the world of sciences, is an unpardonable travesty of right thinking. This is because the modern sciences, especially the medical sciences have proved beyond an iota of doubt that while “morality” safeguards life and its healthiness, “freedom” threatens and destroys it.

The so-called issues related to confrontation between “Morality” and “Freedom” kill around 70 million people every year including deaths related to alcohol, gambling, sex-related issues including abortions. And yet they have the audacity to defend them in the name of freedom.

Perversions are surely the antidote of civilisation. The perversions that threaten the lives of individuals and peaceful survival of the most notable natural institution of family cannot be described anything but barbarism at its worst. What can then be said of the “Civilised World” that safeguards, promotes and commercialises the Sexual perversion of the most abominable kind and the most life threatening -- Homosexuality?

The attempt to legalise Homosexuality is nothing but the continuation of the same series of worldwide developments in which every human susceptibility is first given a legal and social sanction, then it is glorified in the media as a victory of “Freedom of Choice” and “Human Rights” and then with all the obstacles removed it is institutionalised and commercialized at huge level. This sequence of human weaknesses being first normalized, and then institutionalised, glorified and industrialised at a massive scale is responsible for massive mortality, morbidity and social chaos.

It is needless to say that the rise in the demand of legalizing homosexuality in the world has intensified with the rising fortunes of gay market. It is already a big market in western countries. The truth is that Sex market as a whole is the largest growing market, and gay market is the largest growing sex market.

A report entitled, “Gay-Friendly Vancouver as a Billion Dollar Industry”, which appeared before 2010 Olympics, says:
“At present, Vancouver is hyping the 2010 Olympics above all. The pride of a city has turned into its most lucrative business. Now the tourism industry has founded a new market, which has always existed but its potential as a distinct market was not realized: the “gay market,” According to, gay tourism in Vancouver has been a lucrative and loyal sector within recent years. Gay tourism in the U.S. alone is estimated to be $55 billion annually (Constanineau, 2007). A survey conducted by San Francisco-based Community Marketing Inc, ranked Vancouver as the fourth most popular gay destination outside of the U.S., ranking Montreal and Toronto fifth and sixth respectively, which shows how well Canada’s gay tourism industry is doing overall (Constanineau, 2007)…

"One of the possible reasons suggested for Vancouver’s gay tourism industry is due to the fact that BC legalized same-sex marriage in July of 2003. …Boyd (2008) mentions that there was a Canadian boom in gay tourism right after same-sex marriage was legalized. .. (Boyd, 2008, p. 224). Boyd (2008) also mentions how weddings are huge businesses; a $70 billion industry in 2005 in the U.S. alone, with an average of $30,000 per wedding. Even Forbes in 2004, estimated that same-sex marriages in the U.S. could have drawn in $16 billion (Boyd, 2008). In order to “corporate gayness” sites have to promote their destination as “gay friendly” since “social disapproval of homosexuality many gay men are forced to find gay space” (Puar, 2002, p. 103).?”

Another article, “The Income Tax Consequences of Legalizing Same-Sex Marriages,” describes why legalising gay marriages is lucrative for the governments:
“James Alm, M.V. Lee Badgett, and Leslie Whittington estimate that legalizing gay marriage would lead to an annual increase in federal government income taxes of between $0.3 billion and $1.3 billion….
“The 2000 U.S. Census Bureau reported 601,209 unmarried same-sex partner households in the United States living in 99.3% of all counties in the nation. The Urban Institute claims that the census data is low and suggests that gays and lesbians make up about 5% (10,456,405) of the total U.S. population over the age of 18. …

"We can estimate that some portion of the same-sex partners already living together (the 2000 U.S. Census Data figures) along with some portion of the total gay and lesbian population would wish to marry if same-sex marriage became legal. For the sake of convenience we’ll say 500,000. According to Bride’s Magazine, the average wedding costs $19,000. Two hundred-fifty thousand more marriages at the average wedding rate would result in wedding costs of $4.75 billion! Mind you, this doesn’t include the amount spent on wedding gifts. As a bonus, the first states to allow gay marriage will likely experience an influx of tourism and tourist-related economic activity….

“Of course, weddings are just the tip of the iceberg. For some marriages there is even the coup de legal: divorce. As the majority of divorcés will tell you-the most expensive part of getting into a marriage is getting out. While divorces can range anywhere from several hundred dollars to millions, divorce is a multi-billion dollar-a-year industry….”

A Media financial report says:
”In the six short months since Chicago was selected as host of Gay Games VII, we’ve made dramatic progress toward our financial goals and achieved fundraising benchmarks months, or in some cases, years ahead of schedule,” said Tracy Baim, CGI Board Co-Vice Chair and Chair of the Fundraising Committee. “Once broadcast rights are assigned, we will have raised more than US$3 million in cash and in-kind resources.” CGI announced a million-dollar sponsorship deal with PlanetOut Inc. on 20 September 2004. …. In a recent edition of the “Advocate,” a national publication for the gay and lesbian community, there were three pages of ads promoting Palm Springs’ hotels and attractions that cater to homosexuals. Murrell Foster, executive director of tourism for Palm Springs, said it is the first time the city has been promoting itself to the gay market. Los Angeles County travel agents said they have become more active in pursuing the market largely because of the recession. E becomes more active in pursuing the market largely because of the recession.”

In short, according to a commentator:
“The US has made a billion dollar industry off of homosexual media – HBO shows, movies, books, magazines. Like most things in the US anything that has the potential to generate profit will be considered.”
The above clearly tells us about the economics of homosexuality. But the economics cannot cover for the menace, which homosexuality is. Out of all forms of unhealthy sexual practices, homosexuality is the unhealthiest and has been the cause of the beginning of the epidemics of both Syphilis and HIV/AIDS.

Here are excerpts from a report on the impact of homosexuality on health:
“Early reports in the 1980’s suggested that male homosexuals had an average life expectancy of less than 50 years – more than 20 years less than the overall male population. With the push for “safe” sex and improved treatments for AIDS, one would expect that the life expectancy might have increased since then. However, a Canadian study in 1997 found that male homosexuals have a life expectancy of 20 years less than the general male population (based upon a prevalence of 3% of the male population). Using several different measures, including life expectancy determined from obituaries, two large random sexuality surveys (in the USA and Great Britain), and a survey of those never married in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, indicated an average age of death of less than 50 years old.

"A third study, published in 2002, found that the median age of death of 88 homosexually partnered men was 45 years, while for 118 unpartnered homosexual men it was 46 years. This latter study put the average life expectancy of male homosexuals nearly 30 years less than the general male population. ….How does the average homosexual lifespan compare to the average life expectancy of smokers? On average, a lifetime smoker can expect the smoking lifestyle to reduce his life expectancy by only 10 year. However, smoking is vigorously condemned by the medical community and press, although it reduces life expectancy by less than half of that caused by a gay lifestyle.”

To say that homosexuality is natural is like saying criminal tendencies are natural. These are not natural but human aberrations of the most dangerous kind. Such aberrations are present in notorious criminals also. Can the crimes be legalized to help them? Can they be given protection by the law on the ground of not discriminating against persons? Even otherwise, homosexuality is a relationship that does not produce any progeny. So genes if any related to hardcore unadulterated homosexuality cannot be transmitted. Further, there are many congenital defects that affect the human beings. We do not leave them as such on the ground that they are since birth but try to correct them trough medicines or surgeries.

Homosexuality has been there in almost all societies. But the homosexuality in West is very much different from that in Asian countries, and this is because Western countries chose to legalise, institutionalize and glorify it. In Asian countries, homosexuality is more often than not an opportunist encounter. Denied marriage after puberty, and girls hard to find, some men would lure young boys into having sex. Once they get married, most if not all would sooner or later give this up. Family pressures, fear of law and society and the desire to have a good family life keep people away from a long term homosexual life. Moreover, in Asian countries, this is normally a one way relationship. There is one who penetrates the other. In the Western world, with the institutionalization and commercialization of homosexuality, and the availability of porn literature and films, homosexuals act both ways; they penetrate and get penetrated. They are made to believe that the kind of sex they are enjoying is not possible in a heterosexual relationship. Soon they become addicts.

Homosexuality is an addiction that should be treated both through punishment (corporal punishment along with boycott and detention) and medical treatment for those who seek to change their behaviour. Homosexuality has already become the harbinger of the death of at least 40 million people that have died of AIDS so far. Its legalization will surely lead to more people succumbing to it with greater spread of AIDS and other sex related diseases. There is a need to sexually isolate the HIV infected rather than legalizing homosexuality in the name of AIDS so that they do not spread HIV to others.

The forces of economics and their agents defend gays in the name of “human rights” without answering as to why a practice, which reduces life expectancy of its practisers by 20-30 years, can be defended. While gays have human rights like any pervert or criminal, homosexuality cannot be accepted as human right, the way murders and rapes and drug addiction cannot be declared human rights.

[Dr Javed Jamil is India based thinker and writer with over a dozen books including his latest, “Qur’anic Paradigms of Sciences & Society” (First Vol: Health), “Muslims Most Civilised, Yet Not Enough” and “Muslim Vision of Secular India: Destination & Road-map”. Other works include “The Devil of Economic Fundamentalism”, “The Essence of the Divine Verses”, “The Killer Sex”, “Islam means Peace” and “Rediscovering the Universe”. Read more about him at Facebook page: He can be contacted at or 91-8130340339.]

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