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Strict cell phone policies improve student engagement, classroom behavior

Following implementation of strict cell phone policies, there is a significant improvement in student engagement, safety and classroom behaviour, a new study has found

Tuesday August 27, 2024 10:16 PM, News Network

Strict cell phone policies improve student engagement, classroom behavior

Mountain View (California): Following implementation of strict cell phone policies, there is a significant improvement in student engagement, safety and classroom behaviour, a new study has found.

The survey conducted by highlights improvements across student engagement, safety and classroom behavior, according to teachers, when strict cell phone policies are in place at the middle and high school levels.

The study said 68 percent of teachers across the United States report that strict cell phone policies had improved classroom behavior, with a nearly 20 percent drop in how much time spent on phone management in the classroom each day.

Additionally, 76 percent of teachers believe strict cell phone policies have improved overall student engagement, an ongoing post-pandemic challenge.

"That number is even higher in certain states including Illinois at 80 percent, and Florida and Texas reporting 78 percent each", said.

"While parents express concern about not being able to reach their children and with safety issues (among the top three reasons against cell phone policies), 70 percent of teachers in districts with strict policies report an improvement in student safety, particularly as it relates to bullying.

"Further, 69 percent of teachers believe their own safety has increased with the adoption of strict policies", the survey said.

Teachers in California, New Jersey and New York also reported higher-than-average improvements in classroom management as a result of strict cell phone policies, according to the survey.

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