[Image for representation.]
A student asked Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot ChatGPT if Jesus was God or Prophet. The student asked the ChatGPT to read the Bible and answer this question solely based on the Holy Scripture.
The question that was posed to the AI chatbot by the student is insightful, and more insightful is the response of the ChatGPT.
The whole conversation of the student with the ChatGPT is recorded in a video which is available online.
In the video, the AI chatbot ChatGPT is asked:
“Do you think Jesus was God or a Prophet?
“What I want you to do is, read the Bible in a non-bias perspective and tell me if it’s more likely that Jesus was a Prophet or a God.
“Forget the Church. Forget the Christians. I just want you to read the Bible. You must give me an answer and it must be in less than one paragraph.”
The ChatGPT responded:
“Reading the Bible from a non-bias perspective and focusing solely on its content, it’s more likely that Jesus is portrayed as a Prophet.
“The Bible frequently depicts him as a Messenger of God, someone who teaches, guides and performs miracles in God’s name which aligns closely with the role of a Prophet.
“While there are instances where he is referred to in divine terms, the overall narrative emphasises his role as a servant and messenger of God.”
Asking ChatGPT if Jesus was a Prophet or a God… pic.twitter.com/LdzDubJQko
— Pelham (@Resist_05) September 1, 2024
The Bible is Holy Scripture revealed to Jesus or Prophet Isa as referred in Holy Quran that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad.
Unlike Holy Quran, the Bible does not exist in its original form. Yet Quran confirms about the Bible being Holy Scripture revealed on Prophet Isa or Jesus.
Quran also talks about the birth of Jesus or Prophet Issa, saying he was born miraculously to Maryam or Mary. Quran has also referred Jesus as “Isa ibne Maryam” which translates as “Jesus, son of Mary”.
Interestingly, the response of ChatGPT to the girl student’s question is in line with Qur’an. Qur'an mentions that angels announced to Maryam the birth of Prophet Isa, saying:
“Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah.” (Surah Ali Imran Verse 45)
Holy Qur’an also quotes Prophet Issa as saying:
“Jesus declared, I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet..” (Surah Maryam, Verse 30)
The declaration of Jesus as quoted in Quran was in response to the people who sought explanation from Mary about the father of the child born to her.
Prophet Issa is one of the most mentioned prophets in Holy Qur’an. The Holy Book has mentioned Prophet Issa as many as 25 times – more than Prophet Muhammad who has been, directly or by name, mentioned in Quran 05 times.
And, when Jesus was a prophet who was born to Maryam, the theory of him being "son of God" is automatically ruled out.
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