New Delhi: Taking a swift action, Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud sought a report from Allahabad High Court after a female judge currently posted at Banda Court in a letter addressed to him alleged sexual harassment by her seniors and some bar members.
Multiple reports citing the SC sources said Justice Chandrachud directed Supreme Court Secretary General Atul M Kurhekar to seek a status update on the serious issue.
In the two-page letter, the woman judge sought the CJI’s permission to end her life as the abuse and harassment she is endured in her career - first during her posting in Barabanki and now in Banda, including unsettling incidents with the district judge have become unbearable.
"In the short tenure of my service I am the perhaps the only one abused on dais and in open court. I have been sexually harassed to the very limit and treated like utter garbage. I feel like an unwanted insect", the judge wrote in her letter.
Specifically mentioning one particular District Judge and his associates, the woman judge alleged:
"I was asked to meet the District Judge at night."
She also alleged that the Allahabad High Court Chief Justice, and administrative judge did not take any action despite her complaint.
"No one even cared to ask me, what happened, why am I distressed?" the judge wrote in her letter.
She also complained to the Internal Complaints Committee of the High Court, but the "proposed enquiry also proved a farce and sham", she said.
The judge concluded her letter to the CJI saying:
"I have no will to live anymore. I have been rendered to a Walking Corpse in the last year and a half. Kindly permit me to end my life in a dignified way. Let my life be: Dismissed."
Following the CJI directive Supreme Court Secretary General Atul M Kurhekar wrote to the Registrar General of the Allahabad High Court and asked him to submit a report immediately on the status of all the complaints by the woman judge.
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