Rome: Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who was recently in news over his boyfriend Andrea Giambruno’s “group sex” videos, has spewed venom against Islam, and Islamic values and culture.
Speaking at an event organised by her right-wing, ultra-conservative Brothers of Italy party, Meloni, who had illicit relationship with Andrea Giambruno, also tried to criticise the Islamic punishment for adultery and Saudi Arabia for implementing the Islamic Sharia.
Italian PM Meloni, who has an out of wed child claimingly with Andrea Giambruno, in brazenly Islamophobic speech compared Islamic and European cultures saying there is a “compatibility” problem between the two.
"I believe there is a problem of compatibility between Islamic culture or a certain interpretation of Islamic culture and the rights and values of our civilisation," she said at the Atreju event that was also attended by X CEO Elon Musk and UK PM Risihi Sunak.
"It does not escape my mind that most of the Islamic cultural centres in Italy are financed by Saudi Arabia”, she added.
Criticizing Saudi Arabia for implementing Sharia law under which apostasy and homosexuality are criminal offences, Meloni said:
"Sharia means lapidation for adultery and the death penalty for apostasy and homosexuality. I believe that these should be raised, which does not mean generalising on Islam. It means raising the problem that there is a process of Islamisation in Europe that is very distant from the values of our civilisation."
Sharia law, commonly referred to as Islamic law, constitutes a set of principles and regulations based on Quran and the Hadith, representing the foundational religious texts of Islam.
Giorgia Meloni, a far right leader, had earlier also moved a Bill banning Islamic prayers in public places.
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